I thought for the last few days to post on this thread, researched, meditated, drafted and
I don't think people seem to grasp the seriousness of this situation at all. There are
threads on WITCHCRAFT, SATANISM, and POKEMON that all allude to these same 'spirits'.
But I think the Pokemon people understand the issues better than the others. *(Where is
the post on CULTS/The OCCULTIC)?
It seems the Witchcraft / Satanism threads think these people live in caves and boil pots
with eye of newt.
It seems here that people think this is a bad-ass chick with an attitude (sorry for being
crass) in the church.
Sociopathy is a very, very serious and dangerous condition. It knows no gender, social
class, race or religion. The spirit of sociopathy (why call it Jezebel, when we could say
Baal or Zoroaster or ... dare I say .. Shem Ham for Ash). These are people who have seen
society, rejected it, backlashed into it's destruction for the evil they see -- truly it is --
anti-social (anti society) behavior. It is masked not only by the aggression mentioned,
but is much more devious and deceptive ,it is the FAMILIAR SPIRIT demon, it is LEGION.
This is a medical condition, and the medical community has thankfully started to
acknowlege this.
I posted briefly in the Pokemon thread about Defense Mechanisms and in other threads
about Logical Fallacies, these are ways of masking the problem. To relate to scripture:
and SCAPEGOATING are the whole modus operandii of the Old Testament Ritual Law;
Animal Sacrifice for atonement
Dress up
Ritual Ceremonies
Payments and Punishments
These are people who by so rejecting society, like much of the society they reject, have
been given over to a STRONG DELUSION, and in order to protect the delusion, Backlash
into a REPROBATE MIND. These people are VICTIMS of a Society that has so gone astray,
that it legalizes everything (rationalization). I posted the definitions of the above
concepts in the Pokemon thread. Not many verses need to be posted til we agree on the
general themes and issues ... Wolves in sheep's clothing, gainsayers of Core ..