t's possible to over-analyse word definitions. If I saved a dog from falling over a cliff the word 'save' would apply in both
Greek & English. I 'saved' the dog. I did not give the dog eternal salvation. No one would suggest that I did.
We all know that salvation comes only through faith in Jesus' atonement for us. The salvation that comes from faith
alone covers Eve's sin. That we could attain any part of our salvation through bearing children would be adding a step
to the cross. I therefore don't believe that is what Paul would have been teaching. Context is important.
you said -----
If I saved a dog from falling over a cliff the word 'save' would apply in both
Greek & English. I 'saved' the dog. I did not give the dog eternal salvation. No one would suggest that I did.
---well that takes the cake !!!!!!!!!!!!--OH my land A Liberality -your equating saving a Dog ----with Jesus who was beaten and flogged beyond recognition --who shed His blood to cover all sin for all time --to save mankind -----
Dictionary meaning English for save
keep safe or rescue (someone or something) from harm or danger.
"she saved a boy from drowning"
Greek word Sozo ----So this greek word used in this scripture is not just saving a dog -as you suggest --sorry to say -----dogs don't sin ---dogs don't need rescuing from Satan ------dogs are an animal not a person ----
Sozo is all about God's people ---saving them from their sins and God's wrath ----and their 2nd death
It's possible to over-analyse word definitions
I say
it is Soooo possible to under analyse God's word and reduce it to the English meaning when it means much more when used in God's word -----your the one who thinks that bearing a child will be enough to save a woman -----well that just goes against ----why Jesus died and went through hell to save us -----
save a suffering one (from perishing),
i.e. one suffering from disease, to make well, heal, restore to health --make whole ---.
deliver or protect
to deliver from the penalties of the Messianic judgment
to save from the evils which obstruct the reception of the Messianic deliverance
I say
this is the word used in that scripture ---you can't change that ----your watering down the scripture because you want to be right in your interpretation -----
Simplified transliteration:
to save, rescue, deliver; to heal;
by extension: to be in right relationship with God, with the implication that the condition before salvation was one of grave danger or distress
your Quote here -----
We all know that salvation comes only through faith in Jesus' atonement for us. The salvation that comes from faith
alone covers Eve's sin
I say ---your way off base here ------you best go back and re read Genesis 3-----and find out what covered Eve's sin ------her faith was lost when she was deceived ------
faith cannot cover sin ---only Blood can cover sin and that is in the old testament and new -----the blood of animals covered sin only for a year
Amplified Bible
21The LORD
God made tunics of [animal] skins for Adam and his wife and clothed them
I say --------God would have had to kill the animal and shed blood to make the coverings for them
Hebrews 9
In fact, according to the
Torah, almost everything is purified with blood; indeed,
without the shedding of blood there is no forgiveness of sins.
your quote here ===
That we could attain any part of our salvation through bearing children would be adding a step to the cross.
HO MY LAND !!!!!!---and who do you think you are to assume that childbearing could be added on downplaying Jesus who was beaten =---flogged ---bruised ----punched and shed his blood and was nailed to a cross to bring about Salvation to the world ---and you are saying that childbearing could be an added step to save a person ----
I say --be careful who who listen to FOLKS ----cause that is a scary thought that this person is spouting out here -----I say Run forest run ------stick with Jesus only for salvation not childbearing as an added step -----
Good luck with your adding a step to the cross -------childbearing -can save you --WOW
God says this about adding or subtracting words-- to His word -----and your adding to the cross