The Alex Jones case set a precedent that you cannot spout opinions online that could be harmful to other people if they are false.
(Obviously the opposite is not true since that would make it illegal to report crimes and courtroom verdicts).
However, I would contend that censoring opinions can also be harmful to other people if censoring them is harmful to them. This can easily be illustrated with what happened during the pandemic.
1. People were insulted
2. Their posts were censored and their sites were suspended or even shut down.
This resulted in harm both to those who operated these sites and to those who might have been helped by the information they were sharing. The platforms shut them down based on a claim of "fake news" or "disinformation" or "fact checking". But suppose, just like Alex Jones claims were found to be false, the claims of these platforms are also found to be false.
Well, the harm is as follows:
1. The vaccine would never have been mandated had those posts not been censored.
2. People were slandered, lost their jobs, and had to sell their houses as a result of that mandate.
3. Many people were harmed by a vaccine they did not want to take and wouldn't have taken had it not been mandated.
Surely death is a more severe harm than anyone harmed by Alex Jones comments suffered, and the number of people affected by this has to be several orders of magnitude greater than those who were harmed by Alex Jones.
Therefore I think we have a precedent to sue these companies for trillions of dollars.
The thing that is concerning about the Jones case is that Alex Jones lied.
He lied when he said the whole thing was a hoax. He lied about dead kids, grieving parents,etc....
He's a liar.
An apologetic ad nauseam liar.
Meanwhile, other people who heard his lies felt compelled to act out violently against grieving parents.
These violent people terrorized the parents. How did they get their address, btw?
No news of their being sued.
No reports of arrests.
Those supposed offenders caused grave distress to the grieving parents. Vandalism,terroristic threats, stalking, etc.... All illegal offensive acts.
Yet, not a peep about their being arrested, sued, for offenses far beyond lies.
Instead Alex Jones is held accountable for hurting the feelings of grieving parents.
While those who caused physical,emotional , harm to them, and violated their private property with acts of vandalism are ghosts.
Jones is a liar who lied.
And he's being threatened with the loss of all he's worked for.
Unknown terrorists,those who supposedly according to those grieving parents terrorized them,threatened,stalked, them, are scot-free.
Thought policing.
Jones is a scapegoat.
Free speech under threat. While domestic terrorism remains unaddressed.
''HE HURT OUR FEELINGS!PAY US!Learn your lesson.''
Certain ones in Jones audience threatened us,harassed us,vandalized our property, stalked us.
But that's OK?