Still so close, CCG. VERY CLOSE, just go more English/Irish version.
Well, CCG, is veddy, veddy close to guessing vKat's name .
Vkat said 'Mari' was close, but not it, to think more "English/Irish. "
SKT? You game? Let the ladies of c.c. guess your name.
Ccg: $11 points.
Remember, winner of game gets their WINNINGS transfered into their Paypal account , and, I will also give c.c. a matching gift.
Game ends at stroke of midnight July 31st, and, not a nanosecond later, LOL.
$10 seems such a lame amount of $$ money don't you think? C'mon, think green
So, let's up EVERYONE'S starting total to $20 points!
Very well then, I will laden y'all with a 2nd clue for MY first name: Winnie
(First clue was : my name is the name of a popular kid's cartóon, today, and, up to 5 years ago on cartoon network.
God luck, y'all. Shall we continue?
CCG is in the money. And, sounds like she, or, LizzytheOne will be guessing vKat's Irish/English name shortly