The last thing I would want to do is add to your pain but the fulfillment you seek is not going to be found in human relationships, successful endeavor, or any other earthly pursuit. Psalm 23:1...the Lord is my Shepherd: I shall not want...
We were not created to live apart from God but in fellowship and communion with Him. Even before sin God came each day to walk with Adam and Eve.
Have you ever considered that your dissatisfaction is a gift of God and an attempt on His part to make Himself more fully known to you?
Most people's understanding of God is woefully inaccurate and and incomplete. Who really is God? What is He really doing? How is He doing it? Why does He do things as He does?
As you seek and find these answers, you will develop a greater appreciation for God and the beginnings of satisfaction for the deepest longings of your heart.
I was helped immeasurably by studying the books of Habakkuk and Job.
I'll be praying for you.
We were not created to live apart from God but in fellowship and communion with Him. Even before sin God came each day to walk with Adam and Eve.
Have you ever considered that your dissatisfaction is a gift of God and an attempt on His part to make Himself more fully known to you?
Most people's understanding of God is woefully inaccurate and and incomplete. Who really is God? What is He really doing? How is He doing it? Why does He do things as He does?
As you seek and find these answers, you will develop a greater appreciation for God and the beginnings of satisfaction for the deepest longings of your heart.
I was helped immeasurably by studying the books of Habakkuk and Job.
I'll be praying for you.
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