Pretty close, Zero. In this case, it meant his way or no way while I was still wondering if I was even interested. Sometimes you instinctively know that while the good times with someone would be REALLY GOOD, the bad times with them would be unbearable and far more frequent.
I , but of course, was being tongue and cheek but I think the moment a guy says, 'You want to really be in this all the way or not?', that is the time to...JUST, JUST, just, slooow down and..
.....That is the time to not ask yourself if it's (relationship) really good or, even, and, this might upset some ladies, but that is also the time to not ask yourself if 'it' is unbearable. In fact, in a moment like this (My Moment as Zere would say thru his hero , Rebeca Black

) of being asked by the guy to either be 100% committed to the relationship, it is time to ask yourself nothing but, to God, everything....
Girl: Is this really you, God, what do you want me to do?
TRUST me, and, much more importantly

, TRUST God, He, in our telling moments of life, talking of BIG life decisions and things said that have the potency to change our lives dramatically, will be there for you, always. And, then, after asking, and, He telling what you are to do next, follow Him, even if it SEEMS like you're throwing yourself overboard of a ship. The whale will gulp you up and you will be safe from the fatally harmful effects of the sea. And, think, too: WHAT a good story God's given you from your decision to follow Him.
The Lord leads.
I think, Liamman, that you say wise things about relationship, but, ultimátely, the girl is leaving you because not of any of the things you do on the date, it's what you don't do: Put God in the centre of your date.
Your way to know her is great as is your 1st date, going to church, but what about date of bible study? Going to church for date 2,3,4,5,6. ?
----Girls will most often, I think, not tell you the REAL REASON they are leaving you. And, christian girls want to date (I say, 'be with') real christian guys, ones that incorporate their belief in God-salvation into every thing they do in life.
And, it's not my opinion but the truth: MOST christian girls want a guy who is going to control them into improving their life, and, true , you can do some yourself (thru God's leading) but, ultimately, it is God who helps us all succeed in life per his personal relationship He so desires with each and every one of us.

I could be wrong too but I think julieannie, allfunfor, will agree: If all or nothing means committing BOTH your vives, as best you can, then they will STAY (after as I said above, she, by herself, gets down on her knees and asks, 'Is this really you, God, what you want me to do?'
Everyone is different, as allfunfor said, some girls like guys telling all about themselves while some get annoyed after while, but I guarantee, they (christian girls) agree on one thing: they all want and pray for a christian guy to meet who is from God given.
God bless!