'Woe there Nellie Bell', are we being a little feisty chomping at the bit? God forbid that we are set apart from the world. God forbid that we look different, act different, talk different, make different decisions and maybe hate some of the things God hates and love the things that God loves. After all we were of the world and you can't blame us for still liking and having an affection for some things that are in it. Let's be sensible. We shouldn't be so heavenly minded that we are no earthly good, because (Col 3:2) doesn't real mean what it says. People have to see a little bit of the world in us so they can relate to us. Maybe I go to the movies, listen to rock music and have my favorite bands, drink a little wine or even a beer now and then, dress like they do and use a few cuss words for effect because I have that liberty in Christ and nobody is going to take that from me. Others may have liberties that are a little bit stronger and more immersed into the culture in which they live. God's not going to mind. He understands and all those Christians that tell me differently can go you know where. That's the reason I left church because they were getting to heavenly minded for me and started making demands. I have my walk with God and I am just fine thank you. Sounds like a good way for me and my house to serve God. It doesn't matter what Christ said in (Mt 10:33-39) because it doesn't apply to me and my house. I'll take up my cross and deny myself just so far, but if it starts causing any problems or interferes with what I have affections for, then it's over and I don't want it and I will keep what I have and be content.
Isn't that what you are trying to say MahoganySnail?