Russia is preparing Cush and Put (the African Alliance) for the Ezekiel 38 War!

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Senior Member
Feb 11, 2013
By the way, the bold-faced part of what you said is not necessarily true.

Revelation 20:1-15

"And I saw an angel come down from heaven, having the key of the bottomless pit and a great chain in his hand. And he laid hold on the dragon, that old serpent, which is the Devil, and Satan, and bound him a thousand years, And cast him into the bottomless pit, and shut him up, and set a seal upon him, that he should deceive the nations no more, till the thousand years should be fulfilled: and after that he must be loosed a little season. And I saw thrones, and they sat upon them, and judgment was given unto them: and I saw the souls of them that were beheaded for the witness of Jesus, and for the word of God, and which had not worshipped the beast, neither his image, neither had received his mark upon their foreheads, or in their hands; and they lived and reigned with Christ a thousand years. But the rest of the dead lived not again until the thousand years were finished. This is the first resurrection. Blessed and holy is he that hath part in the first resurrection: on such the second death hath no power, but they shall be priests of God and of Christ, and shall reign with him a thousand years. And when the thousand years are expired, Satan shall be loosed out of his prison, And shall go out to deceive the nations which are in the four quarters of the earth, Gog and Magog, to gather them together to battle: the number of whom is as the sand of the sea. And they went up on the breadth of the earth, and compassed the camp of the saints about, and the beloved city: and fire came down from God out of heaven, and devoured them. And the devil that deceived them was cast into the lake of fire and brimstone, where the beast and the false prophet are, and shall be tormented day and night for ever and ever. And I saw a great white throne, and him that sat on it, from whose face the earth and the heaven fled away; and there was found no place for them. And I saw the dead, small and great, stand before God; and the books were opened: and another book was opened, which is the book of life: and the dead were judged out of those things which were written in the books, according to their works. And the sea gave up the dead which were in it; and death and hell delivered up the dead which were in them: and they were judged every man according to their works. And death and hell were cast into the lake of fire. This is the second death. And whosoever was not found written in the book of life was cast into the lake of fire."

When the thousand years of Christ's Millennial Reign are fulfilled, or when the thousand years are expired, Satan shall be loosed out of his prison for "a little season". Who is to say that when Gog and Magog are judged that the great white throne judgment happens immediately thereafter? In other words, could there possibly still be seven more years after that which would still be a part of this "little season" until Satan himself is cast into the lake of fire? Or could there possibly be seven more years after Satan is cast into the lake of fire? You are assuming that the great white throne judgment happens immediately after the Gog and Magog battle, but does the text explicitly state that?

Again, I do not have all of the answers, but I know how to ask relevant questions.
Brother, Ezekiel and the Rev. 20 Gog and Magog war are two separate events.

Although the terms Gog and Magog appear in proximity in both the book of Ezekiel (Eze. 38:2-3; 39:1-11) and the book of Revelation (Rev. 20:8), a comparison of these passages indicates two different historical events are in view.

because Gog and Magog are mentioned as combatants in a war at the end of the Millennium ( Rev. 20:7–9 ), many have identified the two battles in Ezekiel and Revelation as one and the same. However, the events following the battles are quite different, as are the events preceding each battle. In Ezekiel’s prophecy, the battle of Gog and Magog is used by God to draw Israel to Himself; in Revelation the battle of Gog and Magog comes after God has drawn His people to Himself for one thousand years of blessing during the Millennium. Therefore, it seems best to place Ezekiel’s battle in the Great Tribulation.​

Gog of the land of Magog invaded Israel in Ezekiel 38, prior to the rebellion mentioned in Revelation 20 at the end of the millennium. Differences between the two passages include:

  1. The Ezekiel invasion is from the north, the rebellion in Revelation 20 is from the entire earth.
  2. The Ezekiel invasion requires seven years to dispose of weapons, whereas the Great White Throne judgment immediately follows the rebellion in Revelation 20.
  3. The Ezekiel invasion occurs before the establishment of the kingdom, whereas the event in Revelation 20 occurs afterwards.
  4. The Ezekiel invasion is destroyed on the mountains of Israel, whereas the Revelation 20 force is destroyed around Jerusalem.
  5. “In Ezekiel Gog was the leader and Magog his land, while in Revelation both represent nations.”
Aug 5, 2023
Didn’t know Russia had that big of a horse led calvary and still relied on swords as opposed to firearms.

Ez 38
4 So I will turn you around and put hooks into your jaws, and I will bring you out, and all your army, horses and horsemen, all of them magnificently dressed, a great contingent with shield and [b]buckler, all of them wielding swords

15 You will come from your place out of the remote parts of the north, you and many peoples with you, all of them riding horses, a large assembly and a mighty army

All those end times movies about the mass invasion need to edit out tanks and planes, and have horses and swords instead.


Well-known member
Apr 21, 2021
Honestly I think the reason so many people seem to think we're so close to the end is because they're listening to all the false prophets telling them we are.


Well-known member
Jan 17, 2023
Honestly I think the reason so many people seem to think we're so close to the end is because they're listening to all the false prophets telling them we are.
End time prophecy countdown started in 1948. If you don't see it it's because you aren't looking.


Well-known member
May 31, 2023
Honestly I think the reason so many people seem to think we're so close to the end is because they're listening to all the false prophets telling them we are.
Who are “all the false prophets” you’re referring to?


Well-known member
Apr 21, 2021
Many false prophets have come and gone. I've lived long enough to have witnessed many of them firsthand and read their books. Hal Lindsey predicted the rapture was just around the corner; when it didn't materialize he just wrote new books to explain what went wrong. These people can't lose. If the rapture should happen to come then they're heroes; if it doesn't they sell more books. Many said Y2K would be doomsday. When 911 happened it was the end of days for sure.

It's mindboggling how people can't see they're being sold a bill of goods. To me it's so obvious the only explanation that makes sense is Satan has deluded them. The end may be here, it may not; don't know don't care. God's word tells us to be ready whenever it comes.
Jan 20, 2023
And Israel, end times has everything to do with Israel.
I have been reading down through this thread and see many believe that the prophecies God gave to Israel are still waiting fulfillment, therefore your attention is focused on such prophecies as Ez. 38, and 39. Please consider the following:

Plan B Means God Does Not Give Up
Under the “new” covenant, there is a “new” Israel. A “new” sequence of prophetic events will culminate with a second advent. The prophecies in Daniel and Revelation concern “Plan B.” Mixing and/or merging different types of prophecies produces insurmountable confusion. Prophecies belonging to Plan A [prophecy pertaining to Israel] will not mix with Plan B prophecies. Plan B is a bigger and better plan. Plan B contains a brighter set of promises and prophecies and unlike Plan A, Plan B is unconditional! This time around, God will not wait for a group of people to get their act together and He will not depend on a particular religious body of people to accomplish the gospel commission. At the appointed time, He will complete His work by hand picking 144,000 people from all over the world. These trustees of God, having Abraham’s faith and love for Him, will accomplish all that God wants done in a mere 1,260 days!

God has done a very clever thing by creating Plan B using parallels from Plan A. Remember that Plan A and Plan B cannot be mixed or merged. However, to appreciate Plan B, it is very helpful to understand some of the building blocks in Plan A. In this sense, the prophecies and promises in the Old Testament remain indispensable. By studying the Old Testament carefully, we can understand God’s plans better because there are many parallels between Plan A and Plan B.

Many people have asked if I think the Jews will rebuild the temple in Jerusalem because the Old Testament indicates the temple would be rebuilt. The Old Testament does indicate the temple would be rebuilt, but the Old Testament is not referring to a third temple. Nebuchadnezzar destroyed the first temple (Solomon’s temple) in 586 B.C. and four decrees were issued to rebuild it. The Romans completely destroyed the second temple in A.D. 70. There is no prophecy in the Bible indicating that a third temple will be built. The reason for this silence is because God abandoned the nation of Israel at the end of the seventy weeks. He destroyed Jerusalem and the temple because He had installed a new covenant and created a new Israel. God has no need for a third temple. Jesus told the Jews, “Look, your house [your temple] is left to you desolate. For I tell you, you will not see me again [I will not live among you] until you say, ‘Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord.’ ” These two sentences are easy to understand. Jesus declared the temple of Israel, which was designed to be His dwelling place, would be left empty. Jesus declared this benediction on the temple because Israel had rejected Him, and as a result, He then rejected Israel. Second, Jesus made it perfectly clear in this text that He would never dwell in Israel again. Israel will not see Jesus again until the Second Coming, and then the Jews will be forced to say, “Blessed is he [Jesus] who comes in the name of the Lord.”

Historically speaking, the Roman army destroyed the second temple in A.D. 70. Later, a Moslem mosque (the Dome of the Rock) was built on the temple mount in A.D. 684. The presence of this mosque keeps the temple mount from Jewish control. God gave the site to the Moslems so that a third Jewish temple could not be built. Many Christians who do not understand Plan B are frustrated that a mosque now sits on the temple mount, but they should not be frustrated. There will not be a third temple. The temple that we should be focusing on and studying about is in Heaven! That is where Jesus lives and intercedes for us. Soon, Jesus will call for the seven trumpets of Revelation to begin! When that day arrives, the present confusion over rebuilding a third temple in Jerusalem will vanish.

Plan B Sealed Up
Now that we have discussed Plan A and Plan B at some length, please consider two statements:
God foreknew that Plan B would be necessary from the beginning and He began preparing for Plan B during the Babylonian captivity. The book of Daniel contains visions that pertain to Plan B.
  1. God loved Israel as much as any father could love a child. He desperately wanted His trustees to do the work that
    He had chosen them to do. During the Babylonian captivity, God spoke to Ezekiel and Jeremiah. Through them, He gave Israel many encouraging prophecies and promises that would come to pass if Israel would cooperate with Him during the seventy weeks (Plan A). At the same time, God spoke to Daniel. Even though God revealed Plan B to Daniel, the information He gave to Daniel was sealed until the end of the world. If Israel had been faithful and Plan A was realized, the book of Daniel would not have been needed.
The Final Generation
The prophecies of Daniel and Revelation tell a story that covers many centuries. It gradually builds in intensity until it reaches the time of the final generation. This story contrasts the powers of sin and rebellion with the power of Jesus, revealing all who He really is. God hid this story from previous generations by hiding four rules in the book of Daniel. This process helped to keep prophetic matters a secret until the time arrives for fulfillment. God does this for two reasons. First, when the time for fulfillment comes, those who love truth move forward. They are spiritually renewed when they see God’s Word fulfilled with their own eyes, and in the process, those moving forward are separated from those who prefer darkness and tradition. This response to truth explains why some people were overjoyed when Jesus was born and others were deeply offended by His ministry. Second, as knowledge increases, man’s knowledge of God increases. God reveals new information about Himself in an orderly way so that His children can spiritually mature. Jesus told His disciples, “The knowledge of the secrets of the kingdom of heaven has been given to you, but not to them [unbelievers].”

If being a part of the kingdom of Heaven is important to you, then the secrets of the kingdom of Heaven will be very important to you. On the other hand, when people are spiritually dead, secrets about the kingdom of Heaven are not important. From the beginning, God predetermined the number of days allotted to Earth’s existence. I believe the appointed time of the end has come because the book of Daniel has been unsealed. The architecture that has been hidden for twenty-six centuries has been discovered and the intended meaning of Daniel and Revelation is now available!

[This is appendix D, taken from the book, Jesus Final Victory, authored by Larry Wilson. Should you be interested in considering a new interpretation of the prophecies of Dan., and Rev., based on the architecture/hermeneutics hidden for the final generation that would witness their fulfillment, the book is available through Amazon.]


Well-known member
Jan 17, 2023
I have been reading down through this thread and see many believe that the prophecies God gave to Israel are still waiting fulfillment, therefore your attention is focused on such prophecies as Ez. 38, and 39. Please consider the following:

Plan B Means God Does Not Give Up
Under the “new” covenant, there is a “new” Israel. A “new” sequence of prophetic events will culminate with a second advent. The prophecies in Daniel and Revelation concern “Plan B.” Mixing and/or merging different types of prophecies produces insurmountable confusion. Prophecies belonging to Plan A [prophecy pertaining to Israel] will not mix with Plan B prophecies. Plan B is a bigger and better plan. Plan B contains a brighter set of promises and prophecies and unlike Plan A, Plan B is unconditional! This time around, God will not wait for a group of people to get their act together and He will not depend on a particular religious body of people to accomplish the gospel commission. At the appointed time, He will complete His work by hand picking 144,000 people from all over the world. These trustees of God, having Abraham’s faith and love for Him, will accomplish all that God wants done in a mere 1,260 days!

God has done a very clever thing by creating Plan B using parallels from Plan A. Remember that Plan A and Plan B cannot be mixed or merged. However, to appreciate Plan B, it is very helpful to understand some of the building blocks in Plan A. In this sense, the prophecies and promises in the Old Testament remain indispensable. By studying the Old Testament carefully, we can understand God’s plans better because there are many parallels between Plan A and Plan B.

Many people have asked if I think the Jews will rebuild the temple in Jerusalem because the Old Testament indicates the temple would be rebuilt. The Old Testament does indicate the temple would be rebuilt, but the Old Testament is not referring to a third temple. Nebuchadnezzar destroyed the first temple (Solomon’s temple) in 586 B.C. and four decrees were issued to rebuild it. The Romans completely destroyed the second temple in A.D. 70. There is no prophecy in the Bible indicating that a third temple will be built. The reason for this silence is because God abandoned the nation of Israel at the end of the seventy weeks. He destroyed Jerusalem and the temple because He had installed a new covenant and created a new Israel. God has no need for a third temple. Jesus told the Jews, “Look, your house [your temple] is left to you desolate. For I tell you, you will not see me again [I will not live among you] until you say, ‘Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord.’ ” These two sentences are easy to understand. Jesus declared the temple of Israel, which was designed to be His dwelling place, would be left empty. Jesus declared this benediction on the temple because Israel had rejected Him, and as a result, He then rejected Israel. Second, Jesus made it perfectly clear in this text that He would never dwell in Israel again. Israel will not see Jesus again until the Second Coming, and then the Jews will be forced to say, “Blessed is he [Jesus] who comes in the name of the Lord.”

Historically speaking, the Roman army destroyed the second temple in A.D. 70. Later, a Moslem mosque (the Dome of the Rock) was built on the temple mount in A.D. 684. The presence of this mosque keeps the temple mount from Jewish control. God gave the site to the Moslems so that a third Jewish temple could not be built. Many Christians who do not understand Plan B are frustrated that a mosque now sits on the temple mount, but they should not be frustrated. There will not be a third temple. The temple that we should be focusing on and studying about is in Heaven! That is where Jesus lives and intercedes for us. Soon, Jesus will call for the seven trumpets of Revelation to begin! When that day arrives, the present confusion over rebuilding a third temple in Jerusalem will vanish.

Plan B Sealed Up
Now that we have discussed Plan A and Plan B at some length, please consider two statements:
God foreknew that Plan B would be necessary from the beginning and He began preparing for Plan B during the Babylonian captivity. The book of Daniel contains visions that pertain to Plan B.
  1. God loved Israel as much as any father could love a child. He desperately wanted His trustees to do the work that
    He had chosen them to do. During the Babylonian captivity, God spoke to Ezekiel and Jeremiah. Through them, He gave Israel many encouraging prophecies and promises that would come to pass if Israel would cooperate with Him during the seventy weeks (Plan A). At the same time, God spoke to Daniel. Even though God revealed Plan B to Daniel, the information He gave to Daniel was sealed until the end of the world. If Israel had been faithful and Plan A was realized, the book of Daniel would not have been needed.
The Final Generation
The prophecies of Daniel and Revelation tell a story that covers many centuries. It gradually builds in intensity until it reaches the time of the final generation. This story contrasts the powers of sin and rebellion with the power of Jesus, revealing all who He really is. God hid this story from previous generations by hiding four rules in the book of Daniel. This process helped to keep prophetic matters a secret until the time arrives for fulfillment. God does this for two reasons. First, when the time for fulfillment comes, those who love truth move forward. They are spiritually renewed when they see God’s Word fulfilled with their own eyes, and in the process, those moving forward are separated from those who prefer darkness and tradition. This response to truth explains why some people were overjoyed when Jesus was born and others were deeply offended by His ministry. Second, as knowledge increases, man’s knowledge of God increases. God reveals new information about Himself in an orderly way so that His children can spiritually mature. Jesus told His disciples, “The knowledge of the secrets of the kingdom of heaven has been given to you, but not to them [unbelievers].”

If being a part of the kingdom of Heaven is important to you, then the secrets of the kingdom of Heaven will be very important to you. On the other hand, when people are spiritually dead, secrets about the kingdom of Heaven are not important. From the beginning, God predetermined the number of days allotted to Earth’s existence. I believe the appointed time of the end has come because the book of Daniel has been unsealed. The architecture that has been hidden for twenty-six centuries has been discovered and the intended meaning of Daniel and Revelation is now available!

[This is appendix D, taken from the book, Jesus Final Victory, authored by Larry Wilson. Should you be interested in considering a new interpretation of the prophecies of Dan., and Rev., based on the architecture/hermeneutics hidden for the final generation that would witness their fulfillment, the book is available through Amazon.]

Ok, well that is definitely a different POV but I still believe that when Israel became a nation again, that's when God's time clock began to countdown.


Senior Member
Feb 11, 2013
Honestly I think the reason so many people seem to think we're so close to the end is because they're listening to all the false prophets telling them we are.
im pretty sure no one needs any prophet at all to discern the times we are living. One only needs to look at the news and a Bible.


Well-known member
Apr 21, 2021
im pretty sure no one needs any prophet at all to discern the times we are living. One only needs to look at the news and a Bible.
People have been using the news and the Bible for decades to scare people into thinking the end is upon us. And they've made prophecies that don't come to pass. I don't know what you call these people; I call them false prophets. There are more of them than ever today. If you're looking for a sign we're in the last of the last days, there's a good one.


Casting down imaginations
Jul 10, 2023
People have been using the news and the Bible for decades to scare people into thinking the end is upon us. And they've made prophecies that don't come to pass. I don't know what you call these people; I call them false prophets. There are more of them than ever today. If you're looking for a sign we're in the last of the last days, there's a good one.
If I had a dollar for every false prophecy which was uttered in just the last 40 years or so, then people like Elon Musk and Jeff Bezos would be broke because I would own all of the money in the world.


Well-known member
Mar 28, 2019
Revelation 20:7-10

"And when the thousand years are expired, Satan shall be loosed out of his prison, And shall go out to deceive the nations which are in the four quarters of the earth, Gog and Magog, to gather them together to battle: the number of whom is as the sand of the sea. And they went up on the breadth of the earth, and compassed the camp of the saints about, and the beloved city: and fire came down from God out of heaven, and devoured them. And the devil that deceived them was cast into the lake of fire and brimstone, where the beast and the false prophet are, and shall be tormented day and night for ever and ever."

If I hear one more false prophecy about the actual fulfillment of what Ezekiel prophesied, then I think that I will barf. :sick:
tell me about it. it is so tiring to hear about the gog and magog.

alltho get ready for someone to say "it will happen twice. once before the millennium and once after"


Casting down imaginations
Jul 10, 2023
tell me about it. it is so tiring to hear about the gog and magog.

alltho get ready for someone to say "it will happen twice. once before the millennium and once after"
It will happen twice?

If what all of the false prophets prophesied in just the last 40 years or so was true, then it would have happened multiple times already.

People are so duped, and good luck trying to open their eyes to the fact that they have been brainwashed or deceived.