Are you implying that one needs specific experience of a given situation before one is qualified to offer a suggestion regarding the ethics of that practice?
Because such a position is quite untenable.
No, although I'm always amused when people who aren't married seem to think they have all the solutions to issues that married people face. I see it all the time on here and think it's odd.
I've made my point (as have many others in this thread) that there is nothing wrong with 'oral sex' within the confines of a healthy christian marriage. However, there's also nothing wrong with people who decide that 'oral sex' is not something they're comfortable with.
Each person is entitled to their own opinions. That's fine. What's NOT FINE is when people take those said opinions and start forcing them onto others as if it were God's own gospel. By that I mean those people who don't agree with oral sex..obviously they've come to that opinion of their own accord based on their own personal morals or whatever- who knows; because clearly there isn't ANY passage in the bible which blatantly states 'thou shalt not engage in oral sex - this is my commandment to you' -because if there were- we wouldn't even have this thread- the answer would be obvious and right in front of our faces.
My issue here is not so much that people disagree with oral sex. Honestly, I couldn't care less. It doesn't affect my life in the slightest if one couple do or don't choose to engage in such activity. As long as they're married, more power to them! Whatever they choose to do behind closed doors is none of my business! HOWEVER, I DO have an issue when the people who are 'anti-oral sex' start jumping up and down and telling others that it IS sin, and they shouldn't do it because God frowns upon it. REALLY? Show me where in the bible God commands that- and I'll believe it; but that's the thing- you can't- because no such scripture exists. The 'oral sex is sin' notion is simply personal opinion..There is NO biblical scriptural foundation on which to base that claim- and that's why I get so annoyed when people start claiming it as 'SIN'. No, it's NOT sin- it's just your personal opinion that you don't feel it's right- it's something you don't feel comfortable with- that doesn't make it sin!
God designed sex to be beautiful and intimate, and yes, it was designed to be pleasurable too. God never said 'You can have sex, but you're not allowed to enjoy it'. Give me a break- that's ridiculous. Almost as ridiculous as the notion that 'sex is only for procreation' yeah ok... show me where God says 'You can have sex- BUT ONLY to bring forth and MULTIPLY'. No, He DID command that we 'go forth and multiply' but that wasn't the ONLY purpose for Him designing sex. Countless times in the bible it talks about having a 'desire' for your husband/wife and you only have to pick up 'Song of Solomon' and read couple of passages to see that God clearly intended for sex to be a pleasurable intimate thing. In fact (as already previously stated in this thread) there are several references to the activity of 'oral sex' throughout Song of Solomon. It's very clear that the couple in that book engaged in said activity and enjoyed it- and from what I can tell- God didn't smite them or strike them down with lightning for doing so. I'm beginning to agree with Julianna- I think someone is publishing bibles which EXCLUDE Song of Solomon...
So, in closing my point is. Do whatever you like. Whatever you, as a couple, agree upon and are comfortable with. Of course do so with respect- one should never force their spouse to do something they don't feel comfortable with..there is nothing in the bible to indicate that if a married couple enjoys oral sex that they are sinning. Use your discernment, and make up your own mind..BUT whatever opinion you form- don't go using it to condemn others. Do what you feel comfortable with, and let others do what they feel comfortable with...and they all lived happily ever after!
*end rant*