Hi Everyone!
This thread is dedicated to the lovely @Poinsetta, who specifically suggested this topic. To be honest, I hadn't even thought about Valentine's Day coming up (that's how hopeful I am about the future
) but am glad she suggested this because as I started to pray for ideas, I could definitely see the potential to have some fun!
(Or was that trouble...
Sorry, I get the two confused.) 
And so, on with the show!
Right now it's that infamous time of year when scores of barely noticeable, extremely SUBTLE displays like these pop up in every local store. Maybe it's just me, but each one seems to shout, "YOU ARE SINGLE AND NEED A BIG COMMERCIAL HOLIDAY AS A REMINDER!!" at every turn.
Wow, I'm glad they really work hard at making these messages BLEND right into the background because I REALLY had to make an effort to see read these signs!
To some, displays like this might seem fun and whimsical, garish and annoying, or just another wheel in the cycle of endless consumerism.
But to many singles, annual tornadoes endless of red, pink, and white merchandise aren't saying, "I Love You," no matter how many times it's repeated.
Rather, what many singles see (at least, this is how I often feel,) are glaring reminders that, "You are inadequate. You are below someone's standards. You are unwanted. And most of all, you are alone." I know this definitely isn't how we are supposed" to feel ("You are a Christian!" "You are blessed!" "You are loved!") but we all have times of falling victim to the churning waves of sadness and loneliness.
Now... Let's just see if we can turn this sinking ship around (not that it would do any good -- we'd just sink in the OTHER direction,) but hey, maybe we can have a a few laughs while we're all adrift.
Hmm. Is there such thing as a Valentine's Grinch? If not, let's make one up, because I say it's time we take Valentine's Day into our own hands and make it an official B.Y.O.V. (Be Your Own Valentine) Day instead!!! For those of us who don't have a special someone (or those who do but can't spend the day with them,) let's make our own day of celebration.
What kinds of things would YOU enjoy doing, even if it IS just by yourself, on Valentine's Day?
I'll now ask you to head on over to the poll to look over a few HUMBLE suggestions.
The poll only allows for, I think 10 answers, but I'm going to try to utilize them all, then ask for people to add their own suggestions in their posts. You can choose as many as you like, and just for fun, I'm going to make the answers visible so we can see who picked what (you never know, some people just might find our Valentine Soul Mate that way!)

Married friends are welcome to answer too -- if you had the day just to yourself, what would yo
And for all who answer, please don't just answer the poll!
If you have time, tell us why you chose what you did, and what you would add or subtract to the list!
Here's to M.V.D.F.A.!!! (Make Valetine's Day Fun Again!!)
This thread is dedicated to the lovely @Poinsetta, who specifically suggested this topic. To be honest, I hadn't even thought about Valentine's Day coming up (that's how hopeful I am about the future
And so, on with the show!
Right now it's that infamous time of year when scores of barely noticeable, extremely SUBTLE displays like these pop up in every local store. Maybe it's just me, but each one seems to shout, "YOU ARE SINGLE AND NEED A BIG COMMERCIAL HOLIDAY AS A REMINDER!!" at every turn.
Wow, I'm glad they really work hard at making these messages BLEND right into the background because I REALLY had to make an effort to see read these signs!
To some, displays like this might seem fun and whimsical, garish and annoying, or just another wheel in the cycle of endless consumerism.
But to many singles, annual tornadoes endless of red, pink, and white merchandise aren't saying, "I Love You," no matter how many times it's repeated.
Rather, what many singles see (at least, this is how I often feel,) are glaring reminders that, "You are inadequate. You are below someone's standards. You are unwanted. And most of all, you are alone." I know this definitely isn't how we are supposed" to feel ("You are a Christian!" "You are blessed!" "You are loved!") but we all have times of falling victim to the churning waves of sadness and loneliness.
Now... Let's just see if we can turn this sinking ship around (not that it would do any good -- we'd just sink in the OTHER direction,) but hey, maybe we can have a a few laughs while we're all adrift.
Hmm. Is there such thing as a Valentine's Grinch? If not, let's make one up, because I say it's time we take Valentine's Day into our own hands and make it an official B.Y.O.V. (Be Your Own Valentine) Day instead!!! For those of us who don't have a special someone (or those who do but can't spend the day with them,) let's make our own day of celebration.
What kinds of things would YOU enjoy doing, even if it IS just by yourself, on Valentine's Day?
I'll now ask you to head on over to the poll to look over a few HUMBLE suggestions.
The poll only allows for, I think 10 answers, but I'm going to try to utilize them all, then ask for people to add their own suggestions in their posts. You can choose as many as you like, and just for fun, I'm going to make the answers visible so we can see who picked what (you never know, some people just might find our Valentine Soul Mate that way!)
Married friends are welcome to answer too -- if you had the day just to yourself, what would yo
And for all who answer, please don't just answer the poll!
Here's to M.V.D.F.A.!!! (Make Valetine's Day Fun Again!!)
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