Thankyou for saying my body is cute

We do have beautiful bodies and should love,respect and care for them all more.
They can be a wonderful tool of expression of our souls.
Its silly the nasty behaviours that go on.
It hurts when people behave badly for no justifiable reason throw hate on you and make you feel horrible.
I moved around a lot from different countries, maybe was concidered wierd (wierdolina

) reasons are many.
Hope we get over behaviours like that soon as people we become wiser for our childrens sake also so they dont have to go through it or thnk its "ok" acceptable to treat someone like that.
There are adults that behave in similar ways but its a different type of bullying when they are "adults" and often covered up.
I just know that it feels horrible to hear you are ugly every day for years and years and to feel ugly because of how you are treated (not cause its true)(those who behave in this way need help with their inner beauty...)
I hope and wish the best for us and that we will be happy with the bodies we were given and do with them and use them in good loving way.
Heal what and where we can and be all God wills for us.
My body is now healing from cancer and Im happy with it.Just 3 months ago I weighed 43 kg and had surgery now 3 months later weigh 52 kg (normal weight) and am building and strengthening.