He saved me. What's your point?
That this salvation was contrary to your free will. Obviously. No choice was made,
no choice was even possible!
This is the doctrine that this hypercalvinistic nuttery proclaims. Utterly unbiblical.
Here is something for you to consider:
In the context of the Jewish wedding ritual, the bride is OFFERED the cup of betrothal. She may refuse if she so wills it.
This poignant type is repeated and amplified to the maximum degree (intentionally of course) in the NT. At the last Passover, the cup of betrothal was OFFERED to the Apostles in exactly the same way. And was received of their own free will.
Just to let you know, the "last supper" (so called) was in fact the NT covenant of marriage to the Church.
Oh and another thing: Adam and Eve made the RIGHT CHOICE of salvation......
after the fall.
We fallen sons of Adam make the exact same confession, plea for mercy, and engender the same trust and faith that they did.
And receive the exact same measure of mercy that they did:
redemption/salvation/newness of life/eternal life/fellowship with God.