Dispensation; mentioned 4 places in my Bible concordance.
Wisdom: unless this has taken on a new meanig
i could've swore that it means to take something that is complicated, and simplify it, so that ALL are able to understand, or you could say; that no one is left out feeling ignorant.
Not sure where it is offhand (sorry, i'll prove it if i have to) But it tells us of the end generation, that ALL of these things(new & old test times) were set as examples for us, so that we would be able to understand. Of course this comes after the blindess, of the 40 years in the spiritual wildernes 1948-88; as until The Jews had reclaimed the land of Judeah, The Word of God was impossible to rightly divide, completely through to the end. (especially time wise)
The 13 year old cicumcision of a Jewish male: I think the main point God is attempting to share through this example is, It takes faith to go through with this, but more importantly, i would think this is a rather shocking experience for the individual it was being performed on.
We know that the circumsision of our time is not of hands; but rather of the mind. I had the religous christianty (milk) most of my life in Christ (NT) . The meat of Gods Word though, is found in The Old (Fathers History)
How do i know this? Because when i went through it with understanding, line upon line, precept upon precept, The Truth is rather Shocking 
You will find it so shocking in fact, that you will realize that it is not really appropiate to divulge this information to a 13 year old; However, because of the times were currently living in, by this time the 13 year old has likely already seen and heard worse; pretty much certainly if they live in North America. I cannot speak for the rest of the world, only been in USA and Canaduh.
I been laughed at on here for this statment (but who cares, its their Loss) The Old Testament , starting on the 8th Day forming of Et'hadam ( The Man) and Eve who was cloned from his curve ( as the word rib is no where in the Hebrew manuscripts)
All the way down to Mary & Joseph, is nothing more than the history of ONE mans Family, ambilical cord to ambilical cord, until, the birth of Messiah. That is why the geneologies are in there.
This is about how God protected and had strict laws in place for both the tribes of Judah (King-line) and Levii (Preist line) until Christs birth.
Et'hadam and Eve are the begining of the parables of The Fig-Tree, and out of Judah and Levi would come forth the rest of the House or Families of Israel.
EPH:CH 1: 8-12; Wherein he has abounded toward us all wisdom and prudence;
Having made known unto us the mystery of his will, according to his good pleasure which he has purposed in himself:
That in the dispensation of the fullness of times he might gather together in one all things in Christ, both which are in heaven and which are on earth; even in him:
In whom also we have obtainedan inheiritance, being pre-destinated according to the purpose of him who worketh all things after the counsel of his own will:
That we should be to the praise of his glory, who first trusted in Christ.
And for me, it was when that trust collasped in me, that I was introduced to Big Daddy
Why is it Easy? because you earned the right from before you were born in the flesh, innocent of woman. No recollection of what precisely took place before the flesh; therefore, Never JUDGE, though it is proper to discern things. (Good or Bad)
For those of us born from 1948 to 1988, yes its harder for us; as it is OUR work, to do the dividing of The Word: those born 1988 and forward, having even more tools and evidence, should receive what is rightly theirs, easier than the generation prior.
But in a sense its also harder; as i've never seen or heard so much babble in the world, concerning theories and philosophies, never mind religion.
The elder shall serve the younger; this took effect at the time of Jacob (Israel) & Essua's crossed blessings; that may sound deceptive if just read, but properly studied, you will see its just God using covert action, just as He did with Moses, Joseph David, Rahab etc...
As our children, have always been our future in all these generations of flesh; It is of an even more importance now than ever before, as these children hold our future in the our spirit, at this time, IF we want to have a bountiful harvest of free-will souls, as aposed to those he chose, mabey even grab some Essau' types; as this would GREATLY please Our Father
as He said, ALL souls belong to me.
The word Angel simply means Messenger, and an Angel can be flesh or spirit; as it just depends on wether or not you have a message.
So from my studies, this is the Good-News for children under 13. For the adult understanding simply switch Mr & Mrs Clauas, with Gods Love & Wisdom.
An Angel is a messenger to let the people Know
That Mr Santa Claus really does control The North Pole
He is there with Mrs Santa Claus and ALL their SuperElves
To make that pole straight again So we can ALL be Ourselves
Everything in the Universe normal once Again
Mr & Mrs Santa Claus & Everybody Freinds
Forever in Christ 
we pre-existed as the Elohim (the son of god/angels singing for joy in the first world age aeons ago)
lucifer and jesus are brothers (our brothers).
lucifer went bad and talked 1/3 of us into rebelling against God.
God called everybody to a meeting, told us the plan:
everybody was going to have their memories wiped clean, and be born into flesh bodies (the rebels and the good guys).
the plan would be for our brother jesus to come and die to pay for the mess, and the good guys would be known as THE ELECT.
the elect (foreknown, predestined) had a mission: take the gospel of repentence to the rebels, hoping to turn some of them back to God.
also interwoven in this theology is that God created all the colored people on the 6th day, rested a day, then created His crowning achievement, WHITE ADAM AND EVE on the 8th day.
so, what we have are WHITE ANGLO SAXONS who are the ELECT because they didn't rebel as Elohim, and came through WHITE ADAM'S BLOODLINE to be THE 10 LOST TRIBES SCATTERED IN THE WHITE ANGLO NATIONS.
i believe it's at this point (though the proof is a little muddy) the bad guys had to be born into SERPENT-HUMAN HYBRID BODIES and come through CAIN'S LINE because stupid WHITE EVE BLEW IT WHEN SHE HAD SEX WITH THE DEVIL (the Christian Identity crackpots go further and say the result is the JEWS).
did i get that right?