Cold War veteran. No hot conflicts. Lots of drilling for the big one that thankfully never came. Not much more to say about it so you can stop asking.
So Rothchild, Rockefeller, and Warburg are part of a secret Pharisitical Talmudic organization and currently control the world. How interesting and how does it work? Do they just pick up the phone and tell the Pope what to do? Do they call up Hu Jintao and order him about?
I mean even in England the Rothschilds have no interest in the largest bank and they've pretty much donated most of their estates and art to charity not to mention they've been disinvesting their own stock to foreign investors as of late. Their aggregate position in percentage of world's wealth has slid markedly since the 19th century. They are a pro free trade conglomerate of publicly traded companies managing funds, property, and engaging in the extraction of raw materials (oil, mining, etc...) just like many large conglomerates and if they weren't wealthy Jews you'd pay them no mind.
Here check out their last public financials from 2010:
Investor RelationsInvestor Relations What you'll learn is that half their revenue came from financial advising (meaning they have divested so much of their wealth to charity that they aren't living off the interest like they once did and have to provide financial services to make up for it).
Notice there total operating income for the year was only 525.9 million pounds. Not exactly enough money to control the world there. I mean a piddly backwards starving country like North Korea has a GNP of about 45 billion so how is a Rothchild going to pick up the phone and boss him around?