Except for you know the three days it took them to change the results in front of everyone's face despite the mathematical impossibility of it.... and the 7 million voters that seemingly disappeared for them this time around curiously after a pandemic ended..... and Biden's tacit admission in his pardon that the DOJ is corrupt..... and now the dropping all the cases against Trump as well. Yea it's gonna be hard for Satan's kids, yet they never really think to just abandon Satan and all the people that misled them, manipulated them, and then ultimately abandoned them to us lol.
Oh little Negan acolyte don't worry I won't let Maggie get vengeance on you, though frankly you do deserve it, but you need to know that the reason you lost is because your side is evil and how under them there was no real future. Negan will always lose to Rick because he forgot that there has to be something after.