The Elect of God Defined.
The elect of God are those who God foreknown would, as believers without willful unbelief, ultimately choose to cooperate with His grace within the sound doctrine of Jesus Christ and the promptings of the Holy Spirit.
The elect of God are those who God foreknown would, as believers without willful unbelief, ultimately choose to cooperate with His grace within the sound doctrine of Jesus Christ and the promptings of the Holy Spirit.
You said....
The elect of God are those who God foreknown would, as believers without willful unbelief, ultimately choose to cooperate with His grace within the sound doctrine of Jesus Christ and the promptings of the Holy Spirit.
Just a bit more exacting....
The elect of God are those who God foreknown would, as believers without willful unbelief, ultimately choose to cooperate with what His grace provided us to think with within the sound doctrine of Jesus Christ and the promptings of the Holy Spirit.
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