My understanding from the Word about tithing is that we ae to pay 10% of our year's profit or gain of wealth, not 10% of all we have. I would be a burden to mankind were I not to have put away savings for this time of my life. As it is, I must budget myself very y much in order to exist here in this age.
I love this point about being responsible for our own way when considering giving.
Many years ago, I knew someone who was new to the faith, very excited and on fire for God, but giving to the point where he then needed assistance himself. However, he didn't want to stop giving because he said that as a Christian, he needed to. But then he was causing other people to need to bail HIM out as well.
While of course we're not to be extravagant, I appreciate the emphasis here that we're not much good to others (in fact, we just increase the burden,) if we can't live responsibly ourselves.
As for me, I have to agree with those that have said they would split the amount between giving and saving. I understand the inquiry behind the thread being either or, but if I had $1, I'd put half into saving and half into giving.
And if had a penny, I'd have to wait until I had two pennies so I could put one in each category.
I know in today's world of extravagance and billionaires flaunting their wealth, we often feel like the widow who gave her last two mites to the offering at the temple.
But God reminds us:
1. Jesus said this woman gave more than all the wealthy because she gave all she had from the heart.
2. Whenever I feel like my meager nickels and dimes don't matter towards anything, God always reminds me to think of what He did with just a few fishes and loaves (fed 4,000 and 5,000 people.)
Sometimes, when budgeting for this or that, I think to myself, "Ok, God. Here's a crumb from a loaf... And here's a scale from a very small fish... Let's see what you decide to do with it."