It appears the FWs have again abandoned ship. But just in case there's at least one brave FW, I have another question to ask since no one provided an answer to the one I asked a few days ago and then again yesterday re 2Cor 4:1-6. Perhaps some FW will like this next question better that pertains to this passage:
2 Thess 2:13-14
13 But we ought always to thank God for you, brothers loved by the Lord, because from the beginning God chose you to be saved through the sanctifying work of the Spirit and through belief in the truth. 14 He called you to this through our gospel, that you might share in the glory of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Paul is revealing to the Thessalonians exactly how they became saved. And it's highly important to note in this passage that he didn't tell them what the vast majority of FWs believe; that is to say, he didn't tell them that they were saved through their freewill decision to believe the Gospel truth and then sanctification followed their decision. No! Instead, he tells them the exact opposite. They were saved "through the sanctifying work of the Spirit AND through belief in the truth". This is the logical and theological order of their salvation. But how could this possibly be, according to FWT? Sanctification, unlike Justification, is an ongoing process. It's a process of WORK performed by the Holy Spirit. And in this passage the work process by the Spirit precedes faith, i.e. "belief in the truth". Faith in the truth flows from the Spirit's efficacious work in the souls, hearts and minds of God's chosen people. Also, this passage provides strong affirmation for my belief that both the Holy Spirit and Special or Divine Revelation (Gospel truth in this case) are both critically necessary components to one's salvation. FWs often emphasize the latter to the exclusion or virtual exclusion of the former!
Furthermore, this passage harmonizes beautifully with what most Reformers believe about the Spirit's work of Regeneration. I have consistently maintained that Regeneration is also a process since the "new birth" metaphor strongly suggests this; for just as physical life is a process that begins in a woman's womb and is consummated at birth, it is likewise with spiritual life. We can know when spiritual life in is this age is consummated whenever someone believes in their heart that Jesus is Lord and confesses Him with their mouth. This heart-held faith and confession, therefore, is the true sign of actual spiritual birth from above!
So, how can this be FWs? And clearly, Paul did not qualify the work of sanctification by the Spirit by saying, for example, that "God chose you through the sanctifying work of the Spirit to make your salvation possible"! Or so that "perhaps you'd come to belief in the truth". Paul flat out unqualified the Spirit's work.
So, FWs, how do you square the truth of this passage with your egregious error of FWT?