Has anybody done any preparation?? do you think it's necessary??
I have thought about it a hell of a lot. and I have done some preparation for the war. You know, after the big war things get expensive. The supermarket shelves become empty because people start to panic. So I've done some preparation for that. Um, the power going off. I've done some preparation for that. But nothing regarding the tribulation. The last three and a half years. But I'm going to do something.
What about anybody else? have they thought about it, or done something? love to know.
Debating from the scriptures has proven to not convince all professing believers (of the pre-trib rapture) those who claim to read their Bibles, but do not, or who apply subjective allegory to any and all scripture that happens to defy their chosen beliefs. How does one prepare for what he will never be a part of? Now, I agree that the unsaved should indeed prepare, but for the rest of us who will be delivered...no. Preparation will only put what those left behind will steal for their own survival.
If you are a true believer in Paul's Gospel as stated in 1 Corinthians 15:1-4, and thus sealed by Holy Spirit without any measure of works on your part, then all you can do is leave some provisions behind for your unsaved family and friends whom you know do not believe in the death, burial and resurrection on the third day, according to the scriptures, the Lord Jesus Christ for all mankind.
Additionally, why anyone would believe that the Lord Jesus would leave His own body on this earth for His own wrath to be poured out upon, I have yet to understand that rationale...which is not at all rational, just like claiming that God cannot create a boulder too large for Him to lift. It's self-defeating, just as the idea the Lord will allow His own body to suffer the outflow from His wrath upon the whole earth. His wrath is for Israel AND unbelievers the world over. The Church will be on this earth no more, and those who become the saints in the Tribulation period of this earth's history, they will only inherit the new earth, not the Heavenly places where the body of Christ will reside as a reconciliation of Heaven after the fallen angels and Satan are cast out in the middle of the Tribulation.
Some argue, "The first half of the Tribulation is not God's wrath." Really? Given that a fourth of the entire earth's population dies in just the first four seals, it makes no sense to say that's not a part of His wrath! Where it's true that the GREAT tribulation (the greater measure of His wrath) is poured out in the last half, to say that removes from the first half a measure of His wrath when one out of every four people will die on this earth, no. That's just plain denial of what we can plainly read from within the scriptures. The false teachers who state otherwise remain crouched down in the shadows of their own ignorance and defiance of truths clearly stated within scripture.
For those who are mathematically challenged; the one third who will die in the second half is about the same number who will die in the first half. Why? Simply stated, one fourth of 8 billion is 2 billion, and one third of the remaining 6 billion is another 2 billion. Adding the two numbers of those who die in each half leads to one half of all the earth's population perishing in the tribulation, with both halves having about the same number of people dying in each. Graphically speaking:
8 Billion X 0.25 (which is one fourth) = 2 Billion
6 Billion X 0.3333333_ (which is one third) = 2 Billion
2 Billion + 2 Billion = 4 Billion
4 Billion is one half of 8 Billion.
Get the picture?
So, the argument that the first half is not God's wrath...that house of cards falls flat under its own breath of foolish denials for facts clearly stated within scripture.