The problem you have with election is one of your own making; for the bible clearly supports the doctrine.
What makes you think that unregenerate sinners don't freely choose hell? Anyone who refuses to repent and believe the gospel have indeed made that choice, whether they believe in hell or not! What you don't understand is the biblical doctrine of
Compatibilism that reconciles the tension between God's sovereign decrees and the choices his free moral agents make! God's image-bearers are just like Him with respect to their free moral agency: They, like God, can only make choices that align with their nature or with Nature in general. God's nature is holy, righteous and good which is why He cannot sin, lie, deny himself, etc. Conversely, fallen man's nature is profane, unrighteous and evil which is why he cannot not sin and why, like God, he is only free to choose in accordance with his nature. So, when you FWs deny man's free moral agency due to its inherent limitations, then you also unwittingly deny the free moral agency of the Creator. If fallen man is a robot because his nature has "programmed" him to do evil, then so too is God since his nature is also "programmed" to do only what is right, good and just.
Below is a link to a good article that explains the aforementioned doctrine. And I can even add more biblical examples that support this doctrine.