Yeah? And you're apparently totally unaware that you just "inferred" that from Special Revelation! The true content or quality of God's nature cannot be inferred from Natural Revelation. Thanks for just proving this fact!
I think the truth that God's nature is moral and loving can be inferred from NR, which per Paul is sufficient to serve as the basis of God's just judgment, but the details do indeed depend on SR, so I guess some folks will have more to learn than others when they get to heaven.
I am up to TOP #250 in 2TM, and the relevant teachings I have gleaned so far include:
TOP #3: God is manifested by His creation. [ACTS 14:16-17//RM 1:20] Nature shows God’s kindness and divine blessings provide joy.
TOP #5: God created the world including humanity, and in Him we have our being. [ACTS 17:24-28]
TOP #10: Although God’s creation reveals His power and loving moral nature, godless people suppress truth and exchange it for the lie of idolatry. [RM 1:18-25, cf. #3] This is what Adam and Eve did. Paul says men are without excuse, both because God’s eternal power and moral nature (love) are manifested by creation (RM 1:20). Apparently, creation combined with conscience or moral sense (RM 2:14-16) that manifests a moral Authority, serves as a provisional or proto-gospel (CL 1:23, RM 10:13-18, GL 3:8).
TOP #22: For Jews, obeying the Mosaic Law will serve as the basis of divine judgment. [RM 2:9-13&16]
TOP #23: For Gentiles unfamiliar with the OT (or NT), their moral consciences will serve as the equivalent of the Mosaic Law for divine judgment. [RM 2:12-16]
TOP #26: Abraham is the spiritual father of all who have faith in God and Jesus. [RM 4:1-25]
TOP #31: Sin and death began with Adam and everyone else also sinned, so death reigned until the time of Moses over both Jews and Gentiles. [RM 5:12-14] Paul did not bother to state that this situation continued from Moses until the present.
TOP #44: Although many Jews reject the Gospel/Christ, God’s covenant with Abraham did not fail, because the children of Abraham includes (spiritually circumcised) Gentiles. [RM 9:1-33, cf. TOP #24] Paul explained that the reason Israelites are not saved is because they ignored God’s purpose in election or POS involving mercy (v.11-15) on those having faith in Christ and instead pursued righteousness by works or obeying the law (v.30-33).
TOP #45: God has the power to determine what is required for salvation, and He is just to destroy those who resist His will. [RM 9:16-29] Paul cites Scripture (EX 10:1) saying that God hardened Pharoah’s heart for the purpose of revealing divine power, and then he notes (v.20-21) that a potter has the right to make pottery for various uses.
TOP #46: Those who reject God’s will/POS will experience His wrath and destruction. [RM 9:22-29] Sodom and Gomorrah are cited as examples, and Paul cited Isaiah saying (in IS 10:22-23) only a remnant of Israel would be saved.
TOP #48: The Gospel is revealed to everyone in the world in various ways. [RM 10:14-18] Other verses indicating this truth include CL 1:23, RM 10:13-18 & GL 3:8. Apparently Paul affirms God revealed in creation (RM 1:20) and conscience (RM 2:14-16) or what has been termed “general revelation” as functioning as a provisional or proto-gospel as being sufficient for saving those who seek God and find Him via this means, so that souls are “without excuse”.
TOP #49: God may be found even by those who do not seek Him. [RM 10:19-20] This is because God is revealed through general revelation per the previous TOP.
TOP #74: Gentiles are included in God’s plan of salvation. [RM 15:8-12] This truth has been alluded to in TOP #9 & 23, and it is called a mystery in 16:25 (elaborated in Ephesians 2).
TOP #144: God’s POS to save all who accept the Gospel of Christ including Gentiles was a mystery until revealed to Paul. [EPH 1:9-10, 3:2-11] This is an elaboration of TOP #2 & 9. Paul said that this truth was a mystery, although we find hints of it in a few OT writings, especially in Isaiah (e.g., IS 42:6, 49:6 & 60:3).
TOP #190: Hope for heaven is the proper motivation for having faith in God/Christ. [PHP 3:9-11] This is why faith and hope (not sight, cf. 2CR 5:7) are regularly mentioned together or interchangeably (RM 8:24-25, 1CR 13:13, 1TM 6:17, TIT 1:2, HB 11:1).
TOP #191: Seekers/Christians should behave in accordance with what they have learned as they continue to learn God’s will/word. [PHP 3:15-17] Paul cites himself as an example. Those who habitually sin indicate that their profession of Christ is false (cf. TOP #167 & 211).
TOP #196: Christ is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of creation by whom everything else was created. [COL 1:15-17] This TOP echoes JN 1:1-3, 10&14. “Image” seems synonymous with “incarnation”, and it refers to humanity being created in God’s image (GN 1:26-27). Because God is invisible rather than physical, the term must mean having God-like spiritual attributes such as moral consciousness, which animals do not possess. “In him all things hold together” seems akin to what Paul said to the Athenians, “In him we live and move and have our being” (ACTS 17:28, TOP #5).
TOP #197: Christ is head of his spiritual body or church, because God is most fully revealed in the human dimension by him. [COL 1:18-19&24, 2:19] This teaching concerns the doctrine of the Trinity. The church was also mentioned in EPH 3:10.
TOP #198: Christ’s death on the cross is God’s way of reconciling all things to himself. [COL 1:19-20] Not only are souls saved, but all of creation is thereby redeemed from its fallen state.
TOP #219: Test everything and hold on to the good but avoid every evil. [1THS 5:21] Everything could include elements in extra-biblical cultures, which may have true insights regarding God and morality perceived via general revelation (cf. TOP #10 & 23). An example of Paul doing this may be seen when he was in Athens, where he commended religion, but then proclaimed what God commands and the day of judgment (ACTS 17:22-31).
TOP #221: God is just. [2THS 1:6] HB 6:10 says that God is not unjust, EPH 6:9 defines justness as not showing favoritism and RM 3:25-26 says that God demonstrates his justice.
TOP #231: God wants everyone to be saved or believe the true faith that there is one God and one mediator, who is the man, Christ Jesus. [1TM 2:3-7] This is perhaps the most foundational passage in the TOP. All interpretation of Scripture should conform with this manifold teaching: 1. God loves everyone including His enemies including Satan (cf. MT 5:44&48), 2. Thus God prevents no one from choosing to believe the truth as revealed and be saved or elect (MT 23:37, ACTS 28:26-27), 3. The full truth is the gospel that Christ paid the ransom for sin and thus is the Way to heaven (JN 14:6).