The remainder of chapter 3 of Ecclesiastes is great commentary on the beautiful poem he composed in verses 1-8. I'm not so sure about his theology and the state of his relationship with God, though. Ecclesiastes was composed later in life, and Solomon reflects back on what he's experienced and the wisdom he has gained - all valuable lessons for us. Nevertheless, he had 700 wives and 300 concubines, and he ended up falling away from God "...and his heart was not loyal to the Lord his God, as was the heart of his father David" (I Kings 11: 3-4). So, I look with a suspect eye when he is making observations about God:
Ecclesiastes 3:9-13
New King James Version
The God-Given Task
9 What profit has the worker from that in which he labors? 10 I have seen the God-given task with which the sons of men are to be occupied. 11 He has made everything beautiful in its time. Also He has put eternity in their hearts, except that no one can find out the work that God does from beginning to end.
12 I know that nothing is better for them than to rejoice, and to do good in their lives, 13 and also that every man should eat and drink and enjoy the good of all his labor—it is the gift of God.
Here, we have the view of God the taskmaster again; "...the sons of men are to be occupied," so get your rear ends to work! I love how he says God has "put eternity in their heart," but then he follows that up with " one can find out the work that God does from beginning to end." Really? I don't think he had a good relationship with God at this point in his life because God desires us to know Him and follow His ways. God doesn't hide anything from us that we need to know to live a happy and prosperous life.
we today, are revealed more than Solomon or anyone chose to believe. They knew a Messiah was to arise and redeem them. how, when and where, no one knew. They were looking forward to this and never saw the promise fulfilled in their day. Hebrews 11 reveals this truth to me, they believed and never received the whole truth, so who could understand it
you, me and all the world has gotten revealed this to each person in Son as risen the Messiah for us to be now viewed from Father as if never once sinned.
Wow, woe is me seeing that in Isaiah 6:1-7 time to believe and stand in belief to Father in risen son for us, to see Psalm 103:12 as fulfilled in risen Son Jesus.
You, from the view I see, you want to be perfect, and are not and yet try to be, perfect under Law to not ever sin again, because of religion doing that in you, you better or else attitudes of flesh religion, Do we not read and trust Father to reveal to us the truth of what is written to us. Are we giving pastors, clergy and others the lead over God to us? I think people are in general doing that, forsaking a personal relationship between Father and themselves, Putting buildings built by man in charge, hearing them and doing, trying to do what they say to do, as they do not do the truth, these use the truth to get you under their thumbs, and have done this. Read Hebrews 8 please
When we are told Col 1:21-23 we are made as if never sinned by God for us though Son to us in his being risen from the dead. The Death came first to fulfill the Law of Moses for us to be freed from under it, to love all and not a few as people only in the first birth only know how to do. Many do not see this truth, God does just love you, so, we are sent out to seek out truth and get doubt installed in us, which stops us from getting established in truth of God's love for us all to not know God just loves us all, unless we obey perfect as Son did, when no other flesh can ever please God but Son's that did that once for us all in his death first.and so we try, try, try, try over belief to God alone by God, it is done for us all in Son to them. (John 19:30), which no one understood in the first testament, not even the first Prophesy in Genesis 3 of Son to come, here to earth in the only flesh that ever pleased God Father. and take care of all in this love and mercy given to all by that cross, especially in the risen Son for us to be new in love to all. for us to be new in love and mercy to all too.
understanding Nothing can ever separate us from this love of God through Son given us, Nothing!
Just take a water glass of water, it is pure water right? Add a drop of ink, a small drop and then is that water tainted?
Continue under Law that was put in place to reveal our need for God to lead
1 Tim 1 re-read it, please
I see what doubt did to me when I got put under Law, and went after to not sin. I saw sin win, by trying not to sin. So afraid to not stop trying to not sin, I was so afraid
Until one day I heard this, which at first I did not believe was from God to me
I saw a cliff over yonder, was told to look over it, I did that and saw fear if I jumped off, afraid clearly
I heard Jump, I replied no way, I think I am doing pretty good trying to stay away from doing wrongs. I heard okay, how you doing in that way? Not well, yet better than others. I hear okay do you trust God Father for you in risen Son for you?
I replied why Yes of coarse!
Then jump! I fought and fought and fought being afraid. Then one day I heard, do you not see, that if, you let go of Fear, doubt, As you are in doubt, I, God Father of my risen Son will catch you in the palm of my hand where you can rest from troubles, while in troubles. Rest has entered and fear is gone, along with doubt is now kicked out by me standing in belief, not of works, if I do stand in work, then it is I that is being in charge, not daddy Papa Father in risen Son for us all is it?
I jumped spiritually, not physically
Authorized (King James) Version
Col 1:21-23
21 And you, that were sometime alienated and enemies in
your mind by wicked works, yet now hath he reconciled 22 in the body of his flesh through death, to present you holy and unblameable and unreproveable in his sight: 23 if ye continue in the faith grounded and settled, and
be not moved away from the hope of the gospel, which ye have heard,
and which was preached to every creature which is under heaven; whereof I Paul am made a minister;
Do you see what is now done for you presently and forever from God to you or not?
Doubt is kicking you around the podium, Am I good enough? No, no one is, and that be why Father sent Son for us all. Those in that first testament could not understand.Could not enter Father's rest, because of "Unbelief" completed in Son. today for us all to. now stand in
Now once Son did what Son did. he went to Spirit Prison to preach to all them before his coming to earth first and preached to them and they believed and freed as Matthew tells of this in Matthew 27:52
God won in Son for us to be viewed new as are perfect, how amazing to get revealed this and be new in love to all too, yes even those that have done you wrong too