Scripture presents a unified view of there are none good. Too funny to be told (as I have been) that such
a universal axiom can be taken out of context, as if does not apply to some/any (besides Jesus, that is).
This unified view is echoed again and again throughout the Bible. From beginning to end.
Given everything that is said of the natural man it is IMPOSSIBLE for him to just decide to believe.
Actually laughable that any would assert such a thing. And there are many here who do.
What Scripture actually teaches is that the natural man, prior to regeneration and heart circumcision, cannot simply decide, through the exercising of his will, to believe that which is foolishness to him with his hostile-to-God mind while captive to the will of the devil, a slave to sin, lover of darkness, incapable of receiving or understanding spiritual things of God, suppressing the truth in unrighteous, while in the flesh alone which profits nothing. Many here ascribe to the natural man qualities and abilities only the spiritual man possesses, and they actually pretty much ignore the fact that there is a marked difference between the two of them. A corrupt tree (the natural man) cannot bring forth the good fruit of faith from the stony ground of his heart by "making a moral decision," as some say.