@GWH, I’ll admit it’s possible in 1 John 2:19 that they may have never been saved, but I’m very hesitant to say that. Even if it meant that, it refers to the antichrists. Just because 1 John 2.19 might be referring to people who never became Christians, does not mean that all Christians who fall away were never saved.
If someone is sitting on a chair, logic tells us that we cannot fall off the chair if we were never on it in the first place. Whenever a believer falls away, our OSAS friends will typically fall back on they were never truly saved to begin with. This is the standard answer to explain away the bitter pill of reality that they don’t want to swallow.
I believe these people who became antichrists had been Christians, but went into apostasy, hence becoming antichrists. We can say they would fall in the Luke 8:13 or Heb. 3:12 category.
My view is they went out of the body of Christ. The fellowship of believers. In order to go out of something you would first have to be in it. It can be said they did not continue in the faith (Col. 1:23), and as the result it was made manifest that none of them were of the faith anymore. They were not of the faith at that point in time of their departure and were not of the faith when they departed.
A person can be a devoted patriot one day, then turn traitorous, and cease to be one of the nation's devoted supporters. A person can be a faithful Christian, change, go out from among the people of God because he is no longer of the people of God as he was earlier.
At one time, when people who were a follower of Christ departs, they are not of us anymore in what they believe or practice, and since their departure it has been made manifest by their teaching. Sadly, time has lapsed and many people are no longer joined to the doctrine of Christ in what they teach or believe. As the result of that, it can no longer be said that they belong to us, as they have left the teachings of Christ, and to leave the teachings of Christ would also be to leave Christ. In short, they have left the Savior who we are enjoined/connected to.
In Acts 15:24, the text says “Since we have heard that some who went out from us”
Very similar to 1 John 2:19. They went out from us. Once again I’ll admit it’s possible in that they may have never been believers, but just like the antichrist, I believe these people who went out from us had been members of the Lord's church, but left to go back to Judaism, the law of Moses, hence becoming Judaizers.
I believe we can apply the same instance to these antichrists that John writes about in 1 John 2:19.