Some of the OT passages can be difficult to stomach. Especially where God tells Saul to destroy nations (which would include babies and animals in 1 Samuel 15), when He told Moses to hang people before the LORD against the sun in Numbers 25:4, and the stuff in Deuteronomy 20:13-17.
Anyone have any advice on how to harmonize those passages with the holiness and goodness of God?
1.) Actually read the Bible.
Everyone has "Contradictions" or "Unsavory passages"
The issue is, no one reads the Bible in full.
For example, what happened in Numbers 25? Well go back a few chapters to Baalam and Balak... And they were trying to curse the Jews and eradicate them... And God warns them, those who curse Israel will be cursed and those who bless Israel will be blessed... And what do they continue to do? They keep trying to CURSE ISRAEL!
Or all the passages where God tells Israel not to marry women outside Israel...
No one reads the Bible for what it is... Everyone is on youtube and gets all these random verses out of context.
2.) Dispensationalism. The Jews are UNDER the law. Not under grace! John 1:17
The Jews are not under grace, they have to live and abide by the law for their righteousness Deuteronomy 6:25.
3.) God was right to do all of that.
Everyone today is this lovey-dovey, feel-good, nothing-bad "Christian" that get their feelings hurt if someone even looks at them incorrectly.
There are some HORRENDOUS things in Scripture, if these passages offend you, don't go and read Judges...
People have lost sight of who God is and what Righteousness is.
We are sinners and deserve death. By the grace of God we have escaped that through His death on the cross and resurrection from the grave.
4.) There is
NOTHING to "Harmonize" with the goodness and righteousness of God.
The issue is, you have replaced the God of the Bible with a Hollywood movie.
Galatians 3:24
God is not the modern laodicean "love is love" hippy thing.
HE IS RIGHTEOUS AND PURE! And we are wicked and evil and we deserve to be eradicated and the ONLY reason we ain't, is because of His mercy.
The issue is not the passages, the issue is you have been brainwashed by modern "Christianity".