So you think when the unbelievers are raised and stand before the Great White Throne they will all change their minds and accept the Lord as their Saviour? Or maybe x time in the lake of fire will change their mind? Do you think if there was any chance of those who go to the l.o.f. would at some point repent and believe, the Lord would banish them there forever?
Those in the lake of fire aren't reaping what they sowed, they are being given exactly what they wanted, no God.
The wages of sin is not eternal punishment, it is death. Christ paid that price on the Cross. The lake of fire is reserved for those who will
never repent and believe.
The OP has argued that volition is the source of both choice and agency (power) but it is not the source of power. Even God's power is not sourced from His will but from His Word. If power came from volition then no-one would go to the lake of fire because God wants all men to be saved and to know the truth.
1 Timothy 2:4
who desires all men to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth.