Hi Blain, thank you for your question. But my answer is from studying ALL the scriptures on this topic for over 20 years by some pretty amazing teachers, including one of the top Bible Scholars here in San Diego. You can pick and chose Scriptures to support your view; but you really need to search out ALL the Scriptures on this topic to determine the truth, which clearly points to a pre-wrath rapture. I believe that many Believers are pre-trib because they are taught primarily by Pastors who were taught this in seminary. That the opening of the 1st seal in Rev 6:1-2 which begins the 7-year tribulation period, is the beginning of God's wrath, but it is not. And because Jesus promises His children that we are saved from His wrath to come, they are taught that we are taken out before this begins. However, Jesus explains to His disciples in Matthew 24:37 what it will be like prior to His coming to rescue (rapture) us. I will put together an order of events supported by all the Scripture on this topic when I have the time to write this up for you. Please feel free to challenge me on any of these points. Bless you for your desire to keep searching for the Truth!