It's good to see you progressing in trying to work it out.
For God sent not His Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world through Him might be saved. John 3:17
I worked things out a long time ago, madam. Unlike you, I know God saves all men [w/o distinction] in this world. If Christ actually and truly and really atoned for the sins of all men w/o exception (as opposed to potentially atoning), then this must mean that he also redeemed all men in the world w/o exception, right? Yet, the same apostle wrote elsewhere:
Rev 5:9
9 And they sang a new song:
"You are worthy to take the scroll
and to open its seals,
because you were slain,
and with your blood you purchased men for God
from every tribe and language and people and nation.
Does your translation read that God redeemed/purchased ALL men for God, or each and every person for God, or all men w/o exception for God? Or does the passage say that the Lamb potentially purchased all men for God?
And again,
Rev 7:9
9 After this I looked and there before me was a great multitude that no one could count, from every nation, tribe, people and language, standing before the throne and in front of the Lamb. They were wearing white robes and were holding palm branches in their hands.
Or does the above passage say that "before me was a multitude consisting of everyone in the world..."?
Eisegesis is a bear because you're adding to scripture what God did not put into it! You see the term "world" or "whole world" -- and then you have this knee jerk reaction that triggers an interpretation of "each and every person w/o exception", as being the only viable way of understanding the passage.
Also, since God is a covenant God in that he has established the medium of covenants to form the basis for Him having a personal, saving, redemptive relationship with his chosen people, then please point me to the covenant that God made with all men w/o exception. Where is this covenant that God universally made with all men? What are this covenant's conditions? Don't you know that God's covenant of love is made only with his elect (Deut 7:9-12; Dan 9:4, etc.). When Christ instituted the New Covenant at the Last Supper, did he institute that covenant with the entire world or with his chosen people?