Many people believe the church is unimportant. Nothing could be farther from the truth. I believe more should be said about Jesus and HIS relationship and attitude toward the church. Surely, HIS feelings and attitude toward the church should be ours, too?
First of all, Jesus said He would build HIS CHURCH. (MATT. 16:18). It is HIS. It belongs to HIM. It is not OUR church. That’s why
Romans 16:16 says that the different congregations in the 1st century were called churches of CHRIST. The church wore His name because He was its founder and it belonged to Him. He makes the “rules” for HIS church; not us. HE decides who will be members of HIS church; HE decides how they will “get into”. His church. He has not left it up to us to decide How we will be accepted by HIM. That requires “humility” from us and many men will not humble themselves and submit to His authority and commandments.
Jesus LOVED the church.
Eph. 5:25. He DIED for the church. He purchased it with His own BLOOD. (
Acts 20:28) He calls the church “HIS BODY.” (
Eph. 1:22.) and 5:29 tells us that He “NOURISHES” it and “CHERISHES” it.
He is the HEAD of the church ( NOT the Pope) and the SAVIOUR of the body. (
Eph.5:22). He describes HIS church as His “BRIDE.” (
2 Cor. 11:2,
Eph. 5:29,
Revelation 19:7). Parables such as the parable of the wedding feast in
Matt. 22 and the parable of the ten virgins in Matt 25, are teaching us about Christ and His church.
We read in
Acts 2:47, that Christ adds us to his church when we are “saved” from our sins; when we have obeyed HIS WAY of salvation as He specified in
Acts 2:38,
Mark 16:16,
Acts 22:16, and
1 Peter 3:21. Any other “plan of salvation” such as “faith only”, the “sinner’s prayer, or “praying through” are doctrines of men. We are not “VOTED”. Into Christ’s church. He has not delegated his authority to us to determine who is in His church and who does not get in; just as he has not delegated any authority to the Pope to forgive sins or to be the head of His church.
Matthew 28:18 Christ has ALL authority not only in heaven but also ON EARTH. We had best listen to Him.
Eph. 4:4 tells us that there is just ONE true church of Christ but statistics tell us there are over 2000 churches of men—founded by men, named by/after men, with commandments of men, that often contradict each other, all having different plans of how to be saved.
1 Cor. 14:33 tells us that God is NOT the author of CONFUSION. Denominationalism is confusion!
The New Testament presents a very clear, simple picture of what the church is. But just as
Psalms 119:160 says, you must look at the “SUM” of God’s word to get a picture of what the true church of Christ looks like in the Bible. There is very much information on and about Christ’s church but it is scattered all over the New Testament. Serious seekers will “search the scriptures and put it “altogether” (sum), to see if these things are so (
Acts 17:11) and to find the “truth”. The “pearl of great price” that Jesus talked about is “truth”. And He says once you have found it “buy” it and hold on to it. ( sell it not). It is your “ticket” to heaven.