For the most part I think you have a love for Gods word, and want the best for ppl, however its expressed at times. Keep in mind how its expressed is between you and God alone, as Im in NO position to try and tell you where you stand on that matter. I say that because all I have to go on are a few posts in a chatroom, I agree, the word cuts and sometimes ,God has to get our attention . I have no problem whatsoever with God correcting me as he sees fit, or even using a brother or sister in Christ to get the message across, and I dont think a true child of God would have a problem with that either, WHEN ITS FROM GOD. I say this because if I were to see you on the street, i wouldnt have a clue, I dont know if you live your life as you say you do, I dont know if you truley have a desire to help ppl ( all I have is your word in these forums), and while sometimes bluntness is required, so is MEEKNESS, HUMILITY, and just plain ole LOVE. You can think whatever you like about me as a person , but I can say more often than not in my walk with God, and my reaching out to ppl, and even tellin them things that dont tickle their ears , God has always shown me to go in LOVE. As I said, think what you will, the only person I have to please at the end of the day is God, correction is fine when its called for, but unless your sinless ( and I havent met one person yet who is) or unless your willing to step in and change the situation, alot of folks are gonna feel hurt when you just go around pickin out flaws. This chat isnt a popularity contest, however, is it about friendships, its about seriousness, its about laughing, lifting people up, study and fellowship, Im sorry if I have ever offended you BLC, but as you say Im also the least, I often dont have finess, but I do know God wants us to lift each other up, and help one another, and love our brother as ourselves.