Re: ''Mommy, I wanna be a Wizard.'
do you worship the church? its god house.
No. I don't worship anything or any one but GOD through and IN Jesus Christ.
The "chruch" is a called out congragation, Chosen IN CHRIST. NOT a building. NOT a denomination. "Gods House" is The CHRISTIAN. Jesus dwells in mens HEARTS, not in temples made with hands.
So, No. I dont worship a church. and a Church is not Gods house, what peopel CALL "Church" is a Meetign place. That is it. I know those who do worship Church, and it all stems from Babylon. Which is baal worship/Sun worship. And it ULTIMATELY stems from Sumer. Babylon.
ALL Religions, Druidism, Islam, modern Christianity, Jainism, Buddism, Hindi, Modern Judaism, Paganism, ALL of it stems from Babylon. ALL of it. and Its Sun/mon/star/planetary worship. Its as old as civilization. Nothing new under the then they just go and worship it, INSTEAD of worshiping the creator OF it. ULTIMATELY its self worship. YOU are in fact worshiping your idea. YOUR opinion. and NOT Most High God. So if you WANT to do that, then GO be like the WORLD no one is stopping you, GOD isnt even Stopping you. But you CANT love the WOrld and the thigns OF the world and have the LOVE of the FATHER. Cant happen.
Wolrd/pagan/babylon OR JESUS. CANT serve two masters. SO, if you want to "think" that Magic, sorcery, and witches, and vampires, and all that "fantasty" is FINE with Jesus, then DONT bring Jesus into it. Becasue its NOT of God. Its sad that NO ONE really LOVES GOD above the aproval of men, EVEN the aproval of there own Children. The ywould rather apease the FLESH of the child THEY are left IN CHARGE of teaching and raising to OBEY GOD, they cave to the CHILD in stead of OBEYING GOD....
Should we "Hunt witches" Or Judge the world? NO!! We need to LOVE them. My Un saved friends are Pagans, vampires Werewolves, Kabbalahists, DEEP in to the occult...and i LOVE adn PRAY for them, do i do what they do? NO! We are to be like CHRIST, should we stay AWAY From them? NO! should we hate them NO! Should WE do what they do? ABSOLUTELY NOT we are to be an example to them. If we Do waht they do, and they see NOTHIGN SPECIAL or different in JESUS, then why do they need Jesus?
Now its OUR JOB as those who ARE CHRISTIANS to BE SEPERATE and NOT Do what the world does. Do i judge YOU if you say "i love jesus", and ARE NOT OBEYING HIM? Yes. I dont judge your salvation. I judge IF you are disobedient and I WARN, and in love i say repent, becaue THIS line of thinking is GOING to decieve you. THATS the judgement a follwoer of CHRIST is i ncharge of. IS IT LOVE to see you headed torward a cliff adn just lettign you run right off with out yellign out and warning you?
Seek Jesus and LEARN HIS WAYS and stay spotless and pure from the world.
2 Corinthians 6:14-18
Do not be unequally yoked with unbelievers. For what partnership has righteousness with lawlessness? Or what fellowship has light with darkness? What accord has Christ with Belial? Or what portion does a believer share with an unbeliever?
What agreement has the temple of God(you) with idols? For we are the temple of the living God; as God said,
“I will make my dwelling among them and walk among them,
and I will be their God,
and they shall be my people.
Therefore go out from their midst,
and be separate from them, says the Lord,
and touch no unclean thing;
then I will welcome you,
and I will be a father to you,
and you shall be sons and daughters to me,
says the Lord Almighty.”
Touch no unclean thing(spiritualy) and THEN he will welcome you, and be your father. NOT untill you do such things.