I'm kind of amazed how u would want to stop people from speaking their minds about the government and the military, even if they were wrong or right.Think for a minute about God,he is the creator and sustainer of the universe,the bible says ,He causes his sun to rise on the evil and the good, and sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous.I can't count how many people living today who have said harsh things about God, yet, He hasn't dismissed or banished them from planet earth to the other planets.But u feel u can assign places to people.?
Personally ,I feel that the military serves primarily the national interest of the country in matters of eventuality of war.So, no soldier is bad in himself in that respect because he just does what he is told in deployment, and combat from his superior.But what we have seen lately, are some soldiers who can't distinghish between a patriotic war, like that of france or Britain in ww11 defending their country from Nazi germany and egocentric,hegemonious,and blind subservient wars like that of Iraq,Afgan,to name a few which was waged on a misguded premise.Could any true believer who fought that war call himself a hero?The question is what were they fighting for?Did they find WMD there? Or how could a stable country be brought to ruins and rubbles just for the sake of a few in power.Was all the lives and infrastructure,displacement,deaths in millions lost worth it?Maybe that country will never be in peace again or return to its former glory until Jesus comes,same with Afgan,and now Libya rationally speaking.Its time those christians in the military knew what the government were up to, before they sign in to become soldiers fighting unjust wars for oil companies.Away with political correctness in matters of free speech because a true democratic society the populace have the right to question their governments.Since they are their servants and not their masters.