from Lorraine Day, M.D.
The Evangelicals have made agreements with the Catholics. The Episcopalians and the Evangelical Lutherans have decided to “put aside their differences in a push for unity” and Pope John Paul II spent most of his time promoting Ecumenical alliances, but not just with other Christian denominations. His goal, and the goal of the Catholic Church, is to bring together ALL religions, even Buddhists, Hindus, and other Pagan philosophies, to merge them all into a One World Religion.
The Plan of the New World Order is to combine all these religions under the leadership of the Catholic Church, then destroy the Catholic Church by exposing the immense financial corruption, alcoholism, homosexuality, pedophilia and other types of debauchery among the priests and bishops, thus crushing the faith of the people in their religious leaders and institutions.
Those people, when totally devastated by learning of the utter depravity of the entire Catholic Church hierarchy – all the way to the top – will turn away in complete disgust. They will feel betrayed by their spiritual leaders and lose their faith in God, a situation that will make them ripe for cynicism and ultimately Atheism.
This is actually beginning right now, if one only has the eyes to see. The Catholic Church is full of corruption. It is in the newspapers regularly. Priests and even Archbishops cover up the molestation of children, homosexuality, alcoholism and other acts of moral depravity among priests. By doing so, the Catholic leadership actually promotes these crimes and the leaders thereby become complicit.
Then along comes the media – also virtually 100% Jewish owned and controlled – and EXPOSES the financial and moral crimes of the Catholic Church. This is very confusing to the people, which is exactly their goal – Confusion! “Why,” the average person would ask, ”if the Jews own and run the Catholic Church from behind the scenes, would they, on one hand, promote this debauchery, while on the other hand exposing it through the Jewish-controlled media?”
The answer is: The goal of the Jews is to DESTROY Christianity. They are doing so by promoting filth and corruption in the churches, whether in the Catholic Church, morally corrupt televangelists, or the infiltrated leadership of Protestant denominations, THEN they EXPOSE that filth and corruption – all the time attributing it to “Christian leaders” – while all of it is being carefully orchestrated from behind the scenes by the Jews. The people – the church members - when seeing and understanding this cesspool of the “Christian” leadership (without ever knowing the hidden “hands” behind it all), will leave the churches by the millions.
(That is the problem with the Organized Church, in every denomination. The people have faith in the “Church” and their “Church leaders” rather than having faith in God. They believe that they have faith in God, but if that were so, the crumbling of the Church as an institution would not bother them in the least, because their personal relationship with Jesus Christ would be untouched and the diabolical plan of the New World Order would not work. But the Bible, in Revelation, tells us it WILL work – at least until Jesus comes!)
Once the population has turned their back on their religious beliefs and accepted the lies of Atheism, the One World Government crowd knows that deep within the heart of every human being there is an unconquerable desire to worship. True Christians understand that God has put that desire in everyone, but it will be perverted and exploited by the enemies of Christ who will promote the worship of Lucifer, the “god” of Freemasonry.
It is true that the lower levels of Freemasonry believe that the organization is basically a Christian society, but they are very aware that speaking the name of Jesus Christ in the Masonic lodge is forbidden. The reason given is that of “tolerance for all beliefs” and a desire not to offend anyone. Political correctness reigns supreme. But that is not the REAL reason.
It is only at the high levels of Freemasonry, the 33rd degree and higher, that one learns that the TRUE “god” of Freemasonry is Lucifer – Satan - and NOT the God of the Bible.
Another fact that is virtually unknown by both Christians and non-Christians is that the Catholic Church worldwide is “owned and run” by the Jews. The rituals, rules, control, superstitions and pageantry of Catholicism is nothing more than Jewish Talmudism dressed up in “Christian” clothes. The present pope, Pope Benedict, is Jewish, as was Pope John Paul II (a Polish Jew). The Head of the Jesuits is a Danish Jew, Jesuit General Count Hans von Kolvenbach, who many believe is the most dangerous man in the world. He is called the “Black Pope” because he works from behind the scenes, controlling the affairs of the Church. The visible Pope, the Pope out in front who meets the people, takes orders from the “Black Pope.”