You should read over every post in here. And I agree, Bob Larson, is one of the biggest and most horrific acts out there claiming to be Christian. There's much more to be said about that, but, not here.
Mike, I do have a question. How can you claim to be a Satanist and not believe in Satan? I think you guys should pick another name. That's like claiming to be a Christian and saying there is no Jesus Christ.
Or worshiping the sun, but, not believing the sun exists.
This group name is as unfathomable as your beliefs. You say you believe that sins lead to good things. How can there be sin if there is no one to sin against? If there is no one to sin against, what keeps me, or anyone else, from doing whatever we want?
Is that how you would want your kids to be raised? Around people that believe they can do anything they want, seeing your daughter walking down the street, believing in their heart that "sin" leads to good? As you daughter is being raped, would she say, "boy this sin leads to so much good." ? Would the rapist believe the same when he's in prision and preparing a poison to kill himself?
Your soul can be required of you at any moment. I'm telling you, believe in Christ with fruit worthy of repentance and you will be saved. If not, you will die in your sins that you say don't exist.
And FSU boy,
There are 3 big reasons the religion is called Satanism.
1. It really is practically the exact opposite doctrine of christianity
2. It's a powerful word that scares many people away. We are not interested in building numbers. We are misanthropes. The word "Satan" serves as a way to weed out some of the people that wouldnt get it and that would just cause us problems.
3. Most importantly, it's symbolic for a liberating figure. We do not believe in a literal being known as Satan. We think of the story as folklore but realize the important qualities of it. We see God as the evil one. Satan represents the power that stood up to the evil fascist leader. Call it whatever you want. You could call it Bonnie and Clyde if you wanted to. It's poetic. It's romantic. It's symbolic for the guy that stood up for what he believed in, even though it was unpopular. A true leader. We find these qualities to be positive, as all of you probably would if it had a different name. What's wrong with standing up for what you believe in?
Unfathomable? Quite the contrary. It's an elitist group. It's a bit selfish. It's about loving those who have earned your love and not wasting love on ingrates. It appeals to many artists and intellectuals. They are everywhere. Doctors, lawyers, students, cops, actors, hollywood celebrities. Many do not talk about it as they fear social stigma.
Most importantly it's about believing in yourself and doing whatever makes you happy (as long as it's not hurting anyone that does not wish to be hurt) We are completely intolerant to intolerance. Everything is ok with us. Gay marriage, for example, is perfectly fine if that is what you wish for yourself. It's about being responsible for your own actions. There is no god or devil to hide behind. If we do something wrong, we must go through the consequences. It's just about being happy and doing what you want to do and not worrying about a hell.
"How can there be sin if there is no one to sin against" you ask. Well, your probably looking at that word "sin" too literally. I think of it as morals and ethics. So, scratch that word sin, if it helps you to understand.
Which brings up your next question, and one I am repulsed by if I do say so....
"If there is no one to sin against, what keeps me, or anyone else, from doing whatever we want?"
This is a very sick statement, and I've heard other religious folk say it too...as if "god" is the only thing keeping you from murdering one another or doing all sorts of terrible things. You want to kill and rape people? I don't want to at all.... It has nothing to do with religion or God. First of all, it's disgusting! I hate death. Satanists cherish LIFE not death. We dont believe in an afterlife so we want to make the most of our time here on earth. We want to live good lives.
And if my morals arent a good enough answers to that awful question that indicated we all secretely deep down want to commit horrible crimes, then how about just the fact that we live in a society? With rules and standards. We dont want to get murdered or raped, so why would we want to do that to someone else? This is a society. We are supposed to be civilized. And why would we want to go to jail?
But really, I can't even go into the logic of the question. I'm still too sickened by the ethics involved....it's really a problem if anyone actually can say that they would murder all sorts of people if it wasnt for God's law condemning it...not cool.
I don't want children, but if I ever had them, yes I would certainly raise them Satanist. I think it's a healthy lifestyle and a positive outlook on life.
"Your soul can be required of you at any moment. I'm telling you, believe in Christ with fruit worthy of repentance and you will be saved. If not, you will die in your sins that you say don't exist."
You end your statement with a petty threat of hell, trying to appeal to my fears, since there is no logical basis for your claims. You do this simply because you can't understand that other religions exist out there....this is just too strange to understand. You wouldnt attack a Muslim or Jew like that?
I'm tired of all the fear and scares that come when talking about Satanism. It's just another religion with different morals. We arent criminals. We dont rob stores. We are not in gangs. If anything, I'd wager a higher I.Q. on many Satanists compared to other mainstream religions. They tend to be more down to earth and understanding. More productive too. We will go out there and get what we seek. We won't pray for it and hope it comes to us.
Hope this helps!