If the following paragraph piques your interest, perhaps you would like to read the entire research paper, prayerfully and with an open mind and heart:
The KJV is not, as KJV-only advocates are fond of saying, the final
authority. Instead, the final authority for the Christian must be the inspired
autographs. Translations such as the KJV, NKJV, NASB, and NIV
are all the Word of God even though they disagree at points. Any faithful
translation of the Scriptures is sufficient to communicate the truth of
God and more than adequate for the ordering of the Christian’s life. As
James White has wisely observed: “Our relationship with Jesus Christ is
not based upon a particular Bible translation. Men and women had fine
Christian lives for fifteen hundred years before the KJV came on the
scene. Obviously one can live such a life without ever opening a KJV Bible.
(excerpt from ERRORS IN THE KING JAMES VERSION? by William W. Combs,
DBSJ 4 (Fall 1999): 151–64)
Here's the link: http://www.dbts.edu/journals/1999/Combs.pdf
God bless us as we all seek to know God and the truth His Word contains.
The KJV is not, as KJV-only advocates are fond of saying, the final
authority. Instead, the final authority for the Christian must be the inspired
autographs. Translations such as the KJV, NKJV, NASB, and NIV
are all the Word of God even though they disagree at points. Any faithful
translation of the Scriptures is sufficient to communicate the truth of
God and more than adequate for the ordering of the Christian’s life. As
James White has wisely observed: “Our relationship with Jesus Christ is
not based upon a particular Bible translation. Men and women had fine
Christian lives for fifteen hundred years before the KJV came on the
scene. Obviously one can live such a life without ever opening a KJV Bible.
(excerpt from ERRORS IN THE KING JAMES VERSION? by William W. Combs,
DBSJ 4 (Fall 1999): 151–64)
Here's the link: http://www.dbts.edu/journals/1999/Combs.pdf
God bless us as we all seek to know God and the truth His Word contains.