I question the level of help that a forum like this actually provides. My experience to date indicates that more confusion is bred here than real help. Because the overwhelming majority of folks today are very unskilled in matters of Scripture, they have no accurate way to discern which position is correct or what professed truth is actually true. It also appears that many of the participants in this forum are only here to attempt to bolster their own egos. It seems they argue as a hobby - it apparently makes them feel good about themselves - but this is not condoned by the Bible, as we see in verses like 1Timothy 1:4 and 1Timothy 6:3-4. It seems their interest is not to genuinely help others, but to “show off” - I guess to bolster their own self-image. In my time of observing what actually goes on here, it appears that folks are more interested in tearing one another down than EDIFYING one another. I’m not sure how they justify this in light of many verses of Scripture, like Romans 14:19, Romans 15:1-2, and 1Corinthinas 10:23. I see so many comments that do nothing more than gender strife. It seems we have a lot of SCIENTISTS here, but I wonder how many REAL SCIENTISTS would be participating in this forum. People read stuff in books, articles, websites and so on, and they repeat it without having any real skill themselves of knowing what really is true about it. But repeat it they do. Even real scientists, who have committed lifetimes to the study of these things, don’t agree. But under the anonymity of the online community, you can pretend to be anything. And many do.
Bottom line, God’s people are people of FAITH, not science. 1Timothy 6:20 speaks to this fact, as well as Hebrews 11:6. The study and understanding of the theories and laws of science constantly change - they are DYNAMIC. The one thing all of us should learn from science is that we know but a FRAGMENT of scientific truth as it relates to the energies and forces of this universe of which we are a part. The Lord did not tell us that WITHOUT SCIENCE it is impossible to please God - but WITHOUT FAITH.
I have lived for a number of decades. Some would consider me an old man. This I know, LIFE IS HARD for all of us. Rich, poor, healthy, unhealthy, good looking or not, fit or not, successful or not, popular or not, loved or not, large family or no family, many friends or few friends - it doesn’t matter. LIFE IS A DIFFICULT JOURNEY for each one. By the grace of God Almighty, I want to help others “through it all” when life hurts. What about you?
Who knows who really reads all of these comments in these different threads. I’m sure a diversity of people worldwide. Honestly, what do you believe they really think about the so-called Christian community based on what has been written here?
According to what I find in the Bible, there are nine characteristics to the Fruit of the Spirit in Galatians 5:22-23. LOVE, JOY, PEACE, LONG-SUFFERING, GENTLENESS, GOODNESS, FAITH, MEEKNESS AND TEMPERANCE. If we used this as our FILTER for what is led by the Holy Spirit - I wouldn’t know what other criteria to use - I wonder how much of what is written on this forum would pass through it.
Bottom line, God’s people are people of FAITH, not science. 1Timothy 6:20 speaks to this fact, as well as Hebrews 11:6. The study and understanding of the theories and laws of science constantly change - they are DYNAMIC. The one thing all of us should learn from science is that we know but a FRAGMENT of scientific truth as it relates to the energies and forces of this universe of which we are a part. The Lord did not tell us that WITHOUT SCIENCE it is impossible to please God - but WITHOUT FAITH.
I have lived for a number of decades. Some would consider me an old man. This I know, LIFE IS HARD for all of us. Rich, poor, healthy, unhealthy, good looking or not, fit or not, successful or not, popular or not, loved or not, large family or no family, many friends or few friends - it doesn’t matter. LIFE IS A DIFFICULT JOURNEY for each one. By the grace of God Almighty, I want to help others “through it all” when life hurts. What about you?
Who knows who really reads all of these comments in these different threads. I’m sure a diversity of people worldwide. Honestly, what do you believe they really think about the so-called Christian community based on what has been written here?
According to what I find in the Bible, there are nine characteristics to the Fruit of the Spirit in Galatians 5:22-23. LOVE, JOY, PEACE, LONG-SUFFERING, GENTLENESS, GOODNESS, FAITH, MEEKNESS AND TEMPERANCE. If we used this as our FILTER for what is led by the Holy Spirit - I wouldn’t know what other criteria to use - I wonder how much of what is written on this forum would pass through it.