To be honest the way i see it is that there is no such thing as a person being homosexual, for we cannot be sin, we are just people being people who commit acts of sin, if you really want to fight against this sin of homosexuality we need to come to terms with our own sin and lead by example, for instance i have lusted after women before, this is no different than a man lusting after a man, when we objectify children of God for our own self gratification that is when the sin is commited, to be honest i think it is a blessing to not be attracted to women as Paul had lived in celibacy he said himself that this was a gift, and not all men had this gift.
Some people think that why should we worry what other people do with thier lives if they are not hurting anyone, this way of thinking goes against christianity, for we are all brothers and sisters and we all suffer when one person sins, as the story of Adam and Eve will tell you.
For christians who suffer from homosexual thoughts, dont despair and then believe that this is the way God made you, Lust is the sin you suffer from at the end of the day, and it is one of the biggest battles that humanity has been fighting for a very long time, you may fall every now and then, as do I, but we pick ourselves up again and keep fighting to keep these thoughts out of our heads.
I think it is important that as people we need to re-evaluate the sanctity of marriage, why is a union between a man and a woman so sacred and pleasing to God? It is because that love bears fruit, children and giving birth to a child gives God glory. A homosexual union does not bear this fruit, such a union only serves to gratify the senses we feel and this act does not glorify God, this is the abomination the bible speaks of when we glorify ourselves over God. I would dare to say the same thing about a man and a woman who are not married and have sex without intending to have a child, this act is an abomination also, as it deprives God of the glory he deserves.
And lastly, I dont see anything wrong with two males living together and raising a child, provided the fact that they live as if they were brothers, same goes for women, for there are many children who are orphans who do need a home where they will be cared for.
I hope this may help some christians out there who suffer from lust, all people do, dont forget that, keep fighting the good fight.
Some people think that why should we worry what other people do with thier lives if they are not hurting anyone, this way of thinking goes against christianity, for we are all brothers and sisters and we all suffer when one person sins, as the story of Adam and Eve will tell you.
For christians who suffer from homosexual thoughts, dont despair and then believe that this is the way God made you, Lust is the sin you suffer from at the end of the day, and it is one of the biggest battles that humanity has been fighting for a very long time, you may fall every now and then, as do I, but we pick ourselves up again and keep fighting to keep these thoughts out of our heads.
I think it is important that as people we need to re-evaluate the sanctity of marriage, why is a union between a man and a woman so sacred and pleasing to God? It is because that love bears fruit, children and giving birth to a child gives God glory. A homosexual union does not bear this fruit, such a union only serves to gratify the senses we feel and this act does not glorify God, this is the abomination the bible speaks of when we glorify ourselves over God. I would dare to say the same thing about a man and a woman who are not married and have sex without intending to have a child, this act is an abomination also, as it deprives God of the glory he deserves.
And lastly, I dont see anything wrong with two males living together and raising a child, provided the fact that they live as if they were brothers, same goes for women, for there are many children who are orphans who do need a home where they will be cared for.
I hope this may help some christians out there who suffer from lust, all people do, dont forget that, keep fighting the good fight.