Reason for post: It seems that we have some anti-fundamentalists using this site so I just wanted to make it clear that the admin and moderator team (and I hope the majority of users, I hope) are indeed Bible-believing fundamentalists (and we don't want our site to be represented by fundamentalist-bashers who don't believe the Bible).
I'm a
fundamentalist because I believe the Bible.
I have all these
extreme fundamentalist beliefs:
a six-day creation, not evolution (I actually believe the majority of scientists today are
a literal world-wide flood, where God spared 8 people and animals in an ark
the red sea parted while a million people crossed
a man was swallowed by a great fish (and vomited back on land after three days)
Jesus was born from a virgin woman (and hence, he is the Son of God)
Jesus is God (and yet was a man)
Jesus came back to life, days after being crucified (physically, and appeared to many people, and even ate with them)
Jesus is the only way to God (all other religions are false, and from the devil)
the sanctity of life (abortion is murder -- and I'm utterly horrified by the recent US Supreme Court ruling that gives guidelines on how to rip apart a baby as it is being born)
women should be in submission, both in the home and in the church (men should lovingly lead)
Jesus will return (straight from the sky), and this world will be destroyed by fire
Eternal life and hell -- We who believe in Jesus will live with him forever (those who reject him -- i.e., most people -- will go to hell)
Well I just started typing out all the main radical fundamentalist extremist points that I could think of from Genesis to Revelation, and it comes out to 12! So there's my checklist.