Everything that is a woman is included in what is a man, but the reverse is not true. Woman was created FOR man, and not man for the woman. While the worth of a woman is equal to that of a man, there is an order, a hierarchy that God instituted.
God instructed Adam, not Eve, not to eat from the tree, and instructed both of them together to have dominion over all the animals.
At the fall this order was reversed. An animal (Satan indwelt snake) instructed the woman, who instructed the man, who then blamed God for the whole thing.
It was because of one MAN that the Earth, the animals AND the woman fell. It was Adam who broke God's commandment. As Paul said, "the woman, being deceived, fell into sin." Eve did not directly rebel against God as He had not commanded her not to eat the fruit NOR that she obey her husband prior to the fall. Where Eve got the story is a matter of guesswork, and as it is not recorded, technically it was not a matter of law. Eve did not blame God, she blamed the serpent. It was Adam who directly rebelled, not Eve.
Most religions blame women for the problems in this world. Christianity blames man and promises redemption "by the seed of the woman", which is the virgin born Christ. However, as sin came into the world through one man, it is atoned by through one man. Gender matters, God is very much into the details. It is repeatedly emphasized in Genesis, male and female He created them.
In fact, note that original sin, condemnation, was passed to any man born by the seed of a man, but NOT every man born of woman because, technically in a very strict legal sense, Eve did not sin. This pararells how Jesus got the legal right to the throne of David from his adoptive father (Joseph) as legal titles are adoptable BUT avoided the curse upon the sons of David, Solomon and Jeconiah (Jeremiah 22) that they would not have someone sit on the throne ever again. Jesus got His genetic inheritance to the throne of David from His mother, who did come from David but not through Solomon (Luke 3). It is interesting to me that Luke the physician gives the biological geneaology, while Matthew the Jewish tax collector through Jesus' royal adoptive lineage.
Details matter, gender matters,
Yes I am a fundamentalist.