Well, the Bible do say that marriage is between a man and a woman. It doesn't say that a abusers, atheists, adulterers, and various other criminals could not get married. And yes, everyone has the right to love anyone they wish. Matter fact, our Lord commands us to love one another. Including to love the Lord with all our heart. But to love is not a matter of sex and marriage. Yes we should love who we marry. I would hope so anyway. But not marry who we love. If that being the case, i should be able to marry any body that i loved. My mother, my sister, my brother, my kids, any of my friends, my grandmother, anyone on christian chat, Robo, Abiding, skyblue7, Dutch, Neverlandman, and the list go on and on and on.
Now to letting a child live in any home where that child would be abused is wrong. That would mean any abuses! Are heterosexual the only ones who would abuse a child? Do we not see how this is becoming such an issue in what is right and what is wrong?
Marriage should be something that remains of God. Not to say all marriages are of God. Not to say, all who call themselves Christians are Christians. And not to say all love is love. We kind of try to draw our own conclusion on what all these things should mean. Where the Bible, Our Lord, is and should be the center of what we think, do, and believe. Allowing something else to go against his word, well, we see how much trouble the world is in now? Him who has ears, let them hear. Not everyone will come to the understanding of Gods words. Due to their own hearts. And when any of us comes with a selfish motive, we clearly will not have an understanding. We are just going to want to do what it is that we might feel is right. There is a way that seems right to a man, but in the end it leads to death. (Proverbs 14:12).