I wouldn't say that catholics are not christians, because they do belive in JESUS Christ.. but I agree that many rituals are not biblical they were taking over from the old pagan rituals that the romans had....catholicism was not born in a day it is a developement of many many years. I mean of course there is alot of idolatry also going on, everything can be worshiped as a saint or divine. What is not biblical is that Mary got a more powerfull reputation than Jesus. She is called the queen of heavens. We know from the bible that such things do not exist. But we as new born christians should not say that they are not christians! because they are! just the way their church is build and how the service is going on or the worship is different. The word catholic means not more not less than Universal! its a global church if you can say a universal church in other words. And we also have to understand that catholics many many years were not allowed to read the bible, till today the interpretation of the bible is only given to the priests or the pope. The catholics in europe till 1965 ( second vatican coucil) had to listen to the word of god in latin ( a dead language which nobody actually speaks only if you studied it) soo if the priest read from the bible, it was in latin, prayers were said in latin. This actually took the chance away for many to hear the word of God. Well soo before you say catholics are not christians just look a little on the history to know why soo many catholics just don't know what God wants, what is it like to be a christian. That is my point on it. Till today they are lead into false hopes and belives. They are only lost sheeps and like the word say: many perish from a lack of knowledge, and it's true.