Fallacies of the Present Day Church

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Senior Member
Jun 24, 2011
Well that means the sin is not willful in the first place if men cannot stop it apart from an act of God's will.
No. It means we are trapped in sin until we are saved.


Lots of words said but not a single person can quote a single verse which states that God poured out His wrath on Jesus.

People tend to dance around the issues instead of directly addressing them.

If Jesus was literally PUNISHED by God and thus was the WRATH ABSORBING SUBSTITUTE for the sinner then it means that the atonement was either Limited in the sense that Jesus did not absorb the wrath for everyone OR universal salvation is true. Which do you all prefer?

Men ESTEEMED Jesus stricken by God from their point of view but nowhere does the Bible state that God punished Jesus. Sinful men punished Jesus for a crime He did not commit.

Jesus was wounded for our transgressions, bruised for our iniquities, and the chastisement of our peace was upon Him yet nowhere does the Bible state that God PUNISHED Jesus as a PENAL SUBSTITUTE. You all read that doctrine INTO the Scripture because you have most likely never questioned it due to having heard the lie over and over again.

The early Church did not teach Penal Substitution nor did the Catholics. It was invented by lawyers who added a judicial element to the Satisfaction View of Anselm. While Anselm taught that "justice was satisfied" the Reformers added that "wrath was satisfied."

Under Penal Substitution God DOES NOT FORGIVE SIN. God merely appropriates the sin to someone else and punishes them instead.

Penal Substitution is pure fallacy. It is an evil doctrine which is at complete odds with the Scriptures.

Even people like Adam Clarke could see right through it, here is what he wrote...

Adam Clarke's Bible Commentary - 2 Corinthians 5

Now while Adam Clarke views the second use of the word in 2Cor 5:21 as being more accurately rendered "sin offering." I can still reasonably see it being rendered as "sin" in the sense that Jesus was made a curse for us in in the sense that the sins of men are laid on Jesus (sin bearer) but most definitely not in the sense where Jesus became a sinner and was then punished by God. No way for that would be contradicting that He was without spot. 2Cor 5:21 is a semantic issue in translation and understanding.

Just as Rom 8:3 says this...

Rom 8:3 For what the law could not do, in that it was weak through the flesh, God sending his own Son in the likeness of sinful flesh, and for sin, condemned sin in the flesh:

The above verse does not literally mean that flesh is literally sinful (ie. sin being some sort of substance trapped in the flesh ala gnostic Original Sin), it simply means that Jesus was incarnated in the flesh (in which men sin) and that being in the same state he overcame sin and thus condemned it being a fellow man. After-all He was out example.

Anyway I am digressing here just to give a little more information for those interested.

My original statements stand true.

1. Jesus did not teach anywhere that He was going to be punished in the place of the sinner.
2. The parable of the unforgiving servant has the Master freely forgiving a debt WITHOUT the debt being paid by someone else. When the servant does not forgive his own servant the debt is reinstated. This parable totally contradicts Penal Substitution.
2. If Jesus was punished by God in the place of the sinner and thus absorbed the wrath of God then either He did not do this for everyone OR universal salvation is true.
3. If Penal Substitution is true then sin and virtue are transferable properties rather than being moral choices.
4. If Penal Substitution is true then God does not forgive sins but rather appropriates them to the innocent in order to excuse the guilty.
5. Penal Substitution is clearly an invention of the Reformers as they added a judicial element to the Satisfaction view which was developed by Anselm.
6. There is no scripture reference in the entire Bible which states that God PUNISHED Jesus as a substitute for the sinner.I understand these things "seem" to be true to you but there just not. I rekon maybe a new thread is in order since maybe theres too much emotion at this time.

You have alot of good points...but just not enuf.

Heres the cool thing ill say at this point that boggles the mind.

1. God in fact did punish the innocent for the guilty...just like had been played out all through the OT
2. He did the punishment and will not share a drop of credit for it.

Here are two more relevant passages for people to seriously consider.

Mar 10:33 Saying, Behold, we go up to Jerusalem; and the Son of man shall be delivered unto the chief priests, and unto the scribes; and they shall condemn him to death, and shall deliver him to the Gentiles:
Mar 10:34 And they shall mock him, and shall scourge him, and shall spit upon him, and shall kill him: and the third day he shall rise again.
Mar 10:35 And James and John, the sons of Zebedee, come unto him, saying, Master, we would that thou shouldest do for us whatsoever we shall desire.
Mar 10:36 And he said unto them, What would ye that I should do for you?
Mar 10:37 They said unto him, Grant unto us that we may sit, one on thy right hand, and the other on thy left hand, in thy glory.
Mar 10:38 But Jesus said unto them, Ye know not what ye ask: can ye drink of the cup that I drink of? and be baptized with the baptism that I am baptized with?
Mar 10:39 And they said unto him, We can. And Jesus said unto them, Ye shall indeed drink of the cup that I drink of; and with the baptism that I am baptized withal shall ye be baptized:
Mar 10:40 But to sit on my right hand and on my left hand is not mine to give; but it shall be given to them for whom it is prepared.

Luk 22:42 Saying, Father, if thou be willing, remove this cup from me: nevertheless not my will, but thine, be done.
Luk 22:43 And there appeared an angel unto him from heaven, strengthening him.
Luk 22:44 And being in an agony he prayed more earnestly: and his sweat was as it were great drops of blood falling down to the ground.
Luk 22:45 And when he rose up from prayer, and was come to his disciples, he found them sleeping for sorrow,
Also you shouldnt put people down for listening to teachers when in fact you have
teachers you follow....hook and sinker i might add. :)


Yes I am honest in saying you are bendictive and a fault finder of those who do not comply with your doctrine. Thanks for accepting my honesty.
Isnt this a forum? where we debate?

Give us the last few names of your threads

Tell me do you find fault with those who dont agree with your doctrine?

Is it getting too hot in the kitchen?



Actually you have all kinds of proof. Your just blind. God has used men to pour out his wrath many times. Look at revelation. where the time of Gods wrath is showed to us. How much of his wrath is men killing men. No to mention. Gods wrath is turning his back. God turned his back on Christ, if this is not wrath, I don;t know what else there could be, because this is the worst punishment any man could get.

You keep your law, I will keep grace. Your just like the pharisee, you reject Christ also. You reject his love, his kindness and his patience.
I slept in and still reading back a couple pages...mom sent me and my brother to evelyn woods speed reading
school but i was young and had a butterfinger addiction back then. Yes i do regret it.:mad:
Feb 11, 2012
Remember there is only one truth, and I send this especially for those who call us false teachers, and disreguard any furthur study into the word, I can see some of you here, who constantly attack the truth in scriptures, do dance around the main scriptures that clearly show your errors.

Iam not a bible scholar, and am a bit limited in my writing and comprehension ability, but am here to back up the few here who havent shut thier minds to truth, and are clearly teaching the truth!

let us cleanse ourselves!

2Co 7:1 Having therefore these promises, dearly beloved, let us cleanse ourselves from all filthiness of the flesh and spirit, perfecting holiness in the fear of God.

We are commanded to cleanse ourselves. This translates out as purity:
G2511(to clense)
From G2513; to cleanse (literally or figuratively): - (make) clean (-se), purge, purify.

Many will say that God will do the cleansing after we come to Him still defiled and filled with iniquity, which translates out as, God cleanses the sinner gradually, and all filthiness of the flesh and spirit isn’t mandatory for the sinner to do first.
But as stated, having therefore these promises that come to a cleansed and purified heart, that has been made pure through repentance and brokenness, 2 Cor 7-10-11, the cleansing part is what we do, not to save ourselves, but to present ourselves to God, cleansed and purged from all dead works, thus now becoming acceptable to Him, to receive His great and precious promises, which are many.
Now that the vile sins have been repented of (stopped) hoping God will relent of His wrath against the disobedient, we now can perfect Holiness in the fear of God!
So the salvation process isn’t a complicated one, but neither is at a quick one, two, three, you are forever saved and in the kingdom.
No, it comes to the truly repentant heart that has yielded to the word of God, through the great convicting power of the Holy Spirit that has come into the world to convict the lost and dying world, and church, of sin, righteousness, and judgment!
Joh 16:8 And when he is come,(The Holy Spirit) he will reprove(convict, rebuke) the world of sin, and of righteousness, and of judgment.
Mankind now has a free will choice, because he was created upright, and not depraved and unable to choose to obey. He can then succumb to the power of the spirit bearing down on him encouraging him to lay aside all filthiness and wickedness, and seek the mercy of God!
Perfection holiness isn’t earning anything from God it’s a command to follow, and this is driven by godly fear and reverence to God, who has just granted repentance for the remission of sins to the lost and rebellious sinner who has come to their end as the prodigal did, in utter despair and brokenness, now living the holy (separated) life unto God, in all fear of His great power and judgment, that will fall on those who continue to mock Him and His truth. Gal 6-7.
The growth process of a true follower of Christ is not sinning less and less, IE, less porn watching, less getting drunk, less fornication, less murdering etc.. but a process of growing more in wisdom and following the spirit who now fills the soul of the cleansed and purged saint, no longer full of guile, hate, lust, and pride!(the clearing that takes place in repentance)
The spirit now works in the saint, as they become more aware of their faults and imperfections, and short Comings, leading them through by the convicting power of the spirit, onto greater holiness, and purity, and obedience.
But the big offensive sins must have been put to death, cut off at the roots, and dealt with as Christ commands!
Now a cleansed and purified heart will no longer be hungering and thrusting for the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eye and the pride of life, but instead hungering and thirsting for righteousness and purity, being motivated by the spirit in all love, patients, and diligence to walk a holy and sanctified life, not in total perfection but in perfect obedience to the truth, willing to grow, learn and forsake all that the spirit reveals to them, especially anything that can lead to willful sin and rebellion or make another brother or sister stumble!
Tommy 11-17-12
2Co 6:17 Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you,
2Co 6:18 And will be a Father unto you, and ye shall be my sons and daughters, saith the Lord Almighty.



Just out of curiousty, do you actully believe I would be as childish as to like what Skinski is saying just for the mere 'revenge of showing you my feelings was hurt?' I am 44 years old. If following God's Voice is considered a false doctrine, then I do not stand before you, but before God. If Christ is his foundation and upon that foundation he proclaims his testimony, then yes, he is my Brother. Although I do not agree with all he says, I do agree to a vast majority of it. Perhaps if one would speak out of Love and not a snarling smark, one could exhort and not condemn him. But then again, that would be in harmony with Scripture speaking.

Likewise :)
Very true skinski has tons of good doctrine. I pray it can be hmm how to say..
expounded to him in a more excellent way.

There are many mysteries we need revealed...one is about pure grace/our commanded volition.
this will be my focus for awhile i think thats where alot the trouble is.

Another major is the atonement...and we dont need to use just a few controversial
NT passages when its the topic from genesis to revelation.


Isnt this a forum? where we debate?

Give us the last few names of your threads

Tell me do you find fault with those who dont agree with your doctrine?

Is it getting too hot in the kitchen?

Brother: Seeing,

I slept in and still reading back a couple pages...mom sent me and my brother to evelyn woods speed reading
school but i was young and had a butterfinger addiction back then. Yes i do regret it.:mad:
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Senior Member
Jun 13, 2009

There is your first major issue. Christ died 2000 years ago, Your previous sin were future to him. Thus if he did not die for ALL your sin, he did not die for your previous.

Your second issue has already been exposed. The penalty of sin is death, Without the shedding of blood, you can not be forgiven. If Christ just died for your previous sin, He better get back down to earth, so he can die for your post sin. Because it can not be forgiven without the shedding of blood.
Christ’s atonement on the cross covers our past, present, and future sins but we are not automatically forgiven of our future sins, rather we are forgiven of our past sins against God. Christ provided a way for everyone to be forgiven of sins on the condition that one repents, humble themselves and have faith in Him, and approach His throne of grace and mercy.
2 Peter 1:9- But he that lacketh these things is blind, and cannot see afar off, and hath forgotten that he was purged from his old sins.
We guilty of sins we have not yet committed. Throughout the bible, men have always been asked to repent of their sins to receive forgiveness of sins. I tell you, Nay: but, except ye repent, ye shall all likewise perish (Luke 13:3).
This doctrine of pre-forgiveness of sins gives one the impression that future sins in the life of a believer is overlooked since Christ has forgiven them in advance and repentance is not needed. This is a fallacy. There is no biblical proof that future sins are pre-forgiven.
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I'll leave this to ponder for those following this thread.

Matthew 12:31 Therefore I say unto you, All manner of sin and blasphemy shall be forgiven unto men: but the blasphemy against the Holy Spirit shall not be forgiven unto men.

If the expressed understanding of some here concerning "willfull sin" after salvation is true as they profess, what then can be concluded but to say that there is more than one "unpardonable" sin ? "All manner of sin" won't be forgiven. There must be several, given that each of us may have struggled (and undoubtedly did) in different area's of our walk with Christ ... even after being saved. Is "coming to the knowledge of the truth" (knowing the truth) the same as "receiving Christ's free gift of salvation by grace thru faith" ? Think about it. If we reject Christ, THIS is what can never be overlooked by God ... and thus forgiven. And this is what it means to "willfully sin" after they came to a knowledge of the truth. They rejected what Christ did for them on the cross. Jesus is the Truth ... and the Way. No man comes to the Father but by Him.


I'll leave this to ponder for those following this thread.

Matthew 12:31 Therefore I say unto you, All manner of sin and blasphemy shall be forgiven unto men: but the blasphemy against the Holy Spirit shall not be forgiven unto men.

If the expressed understanding of some here concerning "willfull sin" after salvation is true as they profess, what then can be concluded but to say that there is more than one "unpardonable" sin ? "All manner of sin" won't be forgiven. There must be several, given that each of us may have struggled (and undoubtedly did) in different area's of our walk with Christ ... even after being saved. Is "coming to the knowledge of the truth" (knowing the truth) the same as "receiving Christ's free gift of salvation by grace thru faith" ? Think about it. If we reject Christ, THIS is what can never be overlooked by God ... and thus forgiven. And this is what it means to "willfully sin" after they came to a knowledge of the truth. They rejected what Christ did for them on the cross. Jesus is the Truth ... and the Way. No man comes to the Father but by Him.


seeing that the Holy Spirit points to Christ and only Christ.
Sep 8, 2012

a : the doctrine that the perfection of moral character constitutes a person's highest good
b : the theological doctrine that a state of freedom from sin is attainable on earth

: a disposition to regard anything short of perfection as unacceptable
Sep 8, 2012
Many come to the knowledge of the gospel but it just isn't good enough for them.
I mean it doesn't fulfill their predetermined standard for what 'righteousness' is.
It is obvious by reading the thoughts of certain people on this thread just what that mindset is.
And it is just as obvious how that mindset derives from a self righteous spirit.
Which spirit is the unpardonable sin, namely pride, (of the spiritual nature).
Sep 8, 2012
You can easily tell a false doctrine by how many words it takes to get to the point.
This is because it takes alot of words to twist the Word of God into meaning a different thing.
Also, it is easy to see how important one takes themselves by how many disclaimers they add to their posts.
May 29, 2012
You can easily tell a false doctrine by how many words it takes to get to the point.
This is because it takes alot of words to twist the Word of God into meaning a different thing.
Also, it is easy to see how important one takes themselves by how many disclaimers they add to their posts.
If One man died for all then ALL were dead. And that the One who died and was raised said that when He was lifted from the earth, He would draw ALL unto Himself and in NO WISE cast them out.

How simple could it be.......


Many come to the knowledge of the gospel but it just isn't good enough for them.
I mean it doesn't fulfill their predetermined standard for what 'righteousness' is.
It is obvious by reading the thoughts of certain people on this thread just what that mindset is.
And it is just as obvious how that mindset derives from a self righteous spirit.
Which spirit is the unpardonable sin, namely pride, (of the spiritual nature).
Hey I was really for ya in this post... until the last two lines... then I had to lower my pom poms:(
Sep 8, 2012
Spiritual pride IS the unpardonable sin.
You see why don't you?
Because those who have it think they don't, (because they are sure they are righteous).
That's why they never repent of it......and hence can never find forgiveness.
See Jesus telling the pharisees that publicans and harlots would enter the kingdom of heave before them(self righteous). Matt. 21:31,32
Also the prayer of the publican(head bowed, smiting breast) vs. the prayer of the pharisee(thanking God he was made the way he was).


Spiritual pride IS the unpardonable sin.
You see why don't you?
Because those who have it think they don't, (because they are sure they are righteous).
That's why they never repent of it......and hence can never find forgiveness.
See Jesus telling the pharisees that publicans and harlots would enter the kingdom of heave before them(self righteous). Matt. 21:31,32
Also the prayer of the publican(head bowed, smiting breast) vs. the prayer of the pharisee(thanking God he was made the way he was).
ummm I think you went a little far there. Pride is not the unpardonable sin, and it can be repented of. One can humble themselves through further study, even if they were one time the most prideful of the prideful, that's because God is willing to take any, and does have the power to even change this kind of person, if the person will humble their self, which can be done by hearing God's words.

In the way your saying this is the unpardonable sin, you mean those who will never see it and never repent from it, because "they dont think they have it (because they are sure they are righteous)". Why cant one who thinks he is righteous allow God to tell him he is not and then repent?

When Christ said this to the Jews it was because they were accusing him of his power being from Satan. His miracles they said were from Beelzebub. Clearly pride had something to do with that, but pride itself was not the sin that could not be forgiven.




ummm I think you went a little far there. Pride is not the unpardonable sin, and it can be repented of. One can humble themselves through further study, even if they were one time the most prideful of the prideful, that's because God is willing to take any, and does have the power to even change this kind of person, if the person will humble their self, which can be done by hearing God's words.

In the way your saying this is the unpardonable sin, you mean those who will never see it and never repent from it, because "they dont think they have it (because they are sure they are righteous)". Why cant one who thinks he is righteous allow God to tell him he is not and then repent?

When Christ said this to the Jews it was because they were accusing him of his power being from Satan. His miracles they said were from Beelzebub. Clearly pride had something to do with that, but pride itself was not the sin that could not be forgiven.

I can attest to the fact God can humble the proud
Dont ask:rolleyes: more than once too...tmi :eek:


How else are we to treat this interloper? They spread their anti-Christian opinions on a Christian web forum and expect to be treated as kings???

IF this person had come and asked about things instead of telling us in no uncertain terms that our faith was entirely and completely wrong then we could have begun our relationship in a kinder and more palatable manner. But instead he attacked us first and not in some mellow way.

Webchatter, this is why he got the reaction he got and I for one will not be compromising with that sort anytime soon.

We are supposed to seek God's heart in such matters and lift such people up in prayer. There are times when God will give you something to say concerning a matter or a person and there are times when God will tell you to be silent. To often, "heresy hunters" on the website are quick to respond (consistantly) in the flesh, proving that they are no better off spiritually than those they are taking a stand against.
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Christ’s atonement on the cross covers our past, present, and future sins but we are not automatically forgiven of our future sins, rather we are forgiven of our past sins against God. Christ provided a way for everyone to be forgiven of sins on the condition that one repents, humble themselves and have faith in Him, and approach His throne of grace and mercy.
2 Peter 1:9- But he that lacketh these things is blind, and cannot see afar off, and hath forgotten that he was purged from his old sins.
We guilty of sins we have not yet committed. Throughout the bible, men have always been asked to repent of their sins to receive forgiveness of sins. I tell you, Nay: but, except ye repent, ye shall all likewise perish (Luke 13:3).

There is a few problems with this kind of thinking;

1. Christ new every sin you would ever commit in your life BEFORE you were born, let alone before he saved you
2. Christ new every sin you would ever commit before the foundation of the world, when he chose you,
3. Christ also knew every thought you would have BEFORE both the foundation of the world when he chose you, and before he saved you when you came to faith.
4. You can;t fool God. and say you have faith today, then turn around ten years later and act like you don't even know him, He is outside of time. The moment he adopted you as his son or daughter, he knew everything about you past present and future.
Jesus in luke 13 was telling them to repent they had not yet had faith in him. the same goes for all people. .
This doctrine of pre-forgiveness of sins gives one the impression that future sins in the life of a believer is overlooked since Christ has forgiven them in advance and repentance is not needed. This is a fallacy. There is no biblical proof that future sins are pre-forgiven.
there is all kinds of proof.

1. he who believed will never die. never hunger or thirst, live forever, have eternal life, and given Gods own assurance he will raise you on the last day.
2. You are given the HS as a seal and guarantee, until the day of redemption (ressurection day)
3. Because of our faith, we are no longer condemned, and not subject to Gods wrath
4. We are saved not by what we have done, are doing or will do, but by the washing and renewal of the HS

if preforgiveness of sin is as you say a falicy, All these things God promised to ALL who have faith in him are a lie, because God could not promise these things without gauranteeing forgiveness of future sin.