Brother Nate. This is not like T.V! LOL Upon receiving from the Lord the gift of decerment of Spirits talked about in 1 Cor 12:8-11 Two weeks later in our Church an older lady arrived,she asked our Pastor if he believed in demon possession? He said as I do,they are most rare,but yes possible,the Pastor sent her to me,because of the gift God himself had given me in the realm. I boast not brother!! I did not even wish to have this!!
That is a long story in itself,and if you wish, I will speak to you how this gift from the Lord arrived in my life. Anyway, getting back to the true story. The lady came unto me,and said there is something evil in my daughter,they were not saved, either of them at the time. The daughter was about 12,I asked the woman how long this had been going on?
She said this has been going on since we went to the fair,and she got her palm read,she was given a necklace to wear,which she did,and from this time on, something very wrong has been happeneing to her. Holy Spirit bore witness to me as she spoke,and said tell her in 3 days you will arrive,this i spoke as the Holy Spirit told me to speak unto her. She asked why 3 days?
I said because Holy Spirit told me this.She looked rather amazed at this,but said ok, I will be waiting for you upon the 3rd day from today. This all took place in a place called Corbin Kentucky, many of you may know of this place,it is located 20 north of Williamsburg Kentucky where I lived at the time, going to Cumberland College, a baptist College at that!! LOL Most here did not believe in such matters. I understand.
The disciples once looked to cast a spirit out as well,but could not,they did not have Holy Spirit upon them at the time of course,only Jesus himself did.( matt 17:14-21) many bibles omit this verse verse 21. I do not know why? So I began my fasting and prayer,I told the pastor of my church what was going on, and he understand, and gave me his blessing, as the whole church prayed for me.
After the 3 days of fasting and prayer,i arrived at the womans house,full of the Spirit of God! I mean full! As soon as she opened the door, I heard a scream coming from the top of the stairs,it was her daugther throwing herself against each wall in her bedroom. I told the woman that under her bed was a Oujah board,and the necklace she had received at the fair,the woman asked how do you know this?? She said yes we play it from time to time. The boards name was jack it said? why yes mark, how did you know?
You see brothers and sister back in the day, parker brothers who first made these board said a spirit comes in every box. they were not kidding! I told the woman to sit here by the landing I would be back in a short time. I opened the door, and the 12 year old child was floating in mid air above her bed looking down with tears in her eyes and upon her face.
The Spirit knew what was coming.I commanded it not to speak, but to come out in the name of Jesus, NOW GO!!!!! In JESUS NAME!! example Jesus did this to the devil himself!( matt 4:10!!) The girl fell to the bed,tossed and turned a bit,and Jesus freed her! I looked under the bed for the oujah Board and the necklce, took them both with me to burn both,and brought them to our Church, so that they could have my pastors counsel, and become born again by Jesus!
This was understood from the start or else i would not arrive,because of this scripture brothers and sisters!( Matt 12:43-45) When a spirit departs there is a open space within the person,it must be filled with Jesus,or else the spirit will return, bringing with it far more problems then it did at first! They were both saved and filled with Holy Spirit, and to this day have never had any problems thanks to Jesus!!
This is just one of so many true stories in my life saints.( matt 10:1) It is no game,it is very real,in fact more real in the spirit world or realm,then our own! May this help you understand what the POWER of GOD!! IS FOR!!! 1 cor 4:20!!! To know your authority, one must know the Word of God!! For it is only by the Word himself,that another can be made whole again!! Glory to God!! amen!