You know I don't really believe the environment thing. Once they can show me what things turned me gay then I'll believe it. On the other hand I don't believe I was born this way either. I feel it is a combination of the two, but I think genetics has more of a play than environment. I lived a perfectly normal childhood as a boy. No interest in dolls or toys associated with girls, I played video games, I played sports, I was your typical boy. I really don't see where I turned gay or what turned me gay.
I don't know either and I agree it is probably some combination. Most boys have no interest in dolls or girls toys either. But most boys see that about themselves, and use that fact as evidence they are straight.
What am I misinterpreting? She'll accept me being gay? I don't think that'll work out. I mean I'm not going to lead a woman along when I can't truly show my affection for her. That would be wrong to her and me. I'm confused about the fantasies thing too. If I like men how can a woman play that part? If she did, which I'm still confused as to how, would that not be a sin?
My fundamental point is that you are whoever God made you. I believe, that your belief that you must marry a man to express love in a sexual way, is not true. I think you believe this only because society is conspiring to tell you this over and over, and at the same time is conspiring to hide the other options. One hidden option is that single is okay. Next option is that the way you feel is not about marrying a man, but it is about marrying a different type of woman from those who subscribe to society's norm.
We are taught by society that women are supposed to do certain things that make them attractive to men. I think we can assume you are not attracted by those things. My point is that it is entirely possible that you will be attracted to another type of woman, one who does things differently. Because this is rare, you might have to wait quite a while to meet her. After all, society is telling her not to do what she is doing, either. She will probably have disparaged of ever finding a husband as well. You only need one wife (if you need one at all). This woman, and you together, would not be in sin. You would be married, as God intended you to be.
My point is, don't assume that what you are experiencing is evidence of option 1, when there are options 2 and 3 also. That's why I told you a little of my story; God had a special woman for me, and until her, I couldn't care for anyone.
Ask yourself, what do you like about men? Is it something no woman could have? Why is it? I think you'll find that 90% of what we think men and women are supposed to be is socially induced. At your age, I didn't understand much of this either. The older you get, the more you realize that the reproductive organs and hormones affect only a small percentage of who you are, unless you choose to let them affect more.
So if I found a guy that I truly loved and felt I couldn't live without then I couldn't marry him? You've no idea how confusing/frustrating this is. The Bible says...
1 Corinthians 9:7-9(KJV)
7 For I would that all men were even as I myself. But every man hath his proper gift of God, one after this manner, and another after that.
8 I say therefore to the unmarried and widows, it is good for them if they abide even as I.
9 But if they cannot contain, let them marry: for it is better to marry than to burn.
God knows his creation. He knows we will at some point get stuck between the cross hair, which is why He says to marry. So if I truly love this guy and you say I can not marry, will I just burn then? I'm not saying that I'm going to go hunt for some guy because that is farthest from the truth, but what if he does show up in my life? You have one thing 100% right and that is that unless you experience this you will never understand. You know you say we don't talk about the option of marrying the opposite sex or remaining celibate. Do you not think that hasn't crossed our minds? Especially those of us who are trying to live a life pleasing to God. However, the first usually ends up in divorce, which is also a sin. How can you love someone when you don't love them the way you're suppose to? How do you live the lie? As for the second option many do become celibate, but the fact remains that they're still gay.
My belief is that God's word says He has provided you with another option to this. I can't understand the feel of "gayness", that's true. But I don't feel some other things too, yet I see around me people who think they are under compulsion to kill, or steal, or lust after women, or tell lies, and I know there is another option for those. I think it is likely God has another option for the compulsion to be gay, as well.
I think you misunderstood me. Majority of my friends have been girls, but I have had male friends and I'm still friends with a few of them today. All of them were/are straight unless they've been hiding something. To be honest I've never had a gay friend. I'm not saying I can't have a friendship with a male it's just I'd rather not. I'm not saying I like every guy I see, but it's easier to not have myself in a situation where something could possibly form.
This makes me think more than ever that you are feeling something and interpreting it in one of three possible ways, when in fact, God may have another way for you. His Word seems pretty clear that your current interpretation is not the one He wants you to have.