You believe in something, but cannot defend against a simple Scripture? What part of Acts 15:28 "no greater burden than these necessary things" are you not understanding? This passage makes it unnecessary for us to assume a posture of advocating the use of OT law outside of Israel.
Theonomy, as practiced by some people (I just checked) believes that countries would well be governed by OT Law, as a matter of political choice. This is identical to the desire in England, I heard about last year, that some Moslems have for making Shitte law the law of the land there, and allowing each person an option whether to follow British or Moslem Law (Does anybody from UK know how that's coming? I haven't heard anything for a year or more.) That is very different from "unless a law has been specifically annulled it remains in force". The first argument is that we could have a constitutional convention, adopt the OT as our constitution. The second is that our current laws are intrinsically unGodly because they are not the OT. The second arguments is more than struck down by the NT, in Acts, also by Paul, and also by Jesus who teaches universal forgiveness. The force of OT law simply is not a decision of God for any nation beyond Israel, and only for them until Jesus came.
As far as the first, adoption of OT Law would be fine, except we can't do it as a decision of man either. You see, the 613 commandments are a single unity. If you accept some without others, it is still a decision of man, which to accept. Suppose you stone people for adultery, fine. Now, you also need to accept arranged marriages at age 12 to control temptation. Then, you need to limit the educational requirements, so kids can marry at age 12. But, since Jesus came, the Holy Spirit being poured on the world has created new gifts that have led to massive scientific progress, requiring more education to exploit. So, if you restrict education, you lose your scientists, etc. Without scientists, no refrigeration, more disease, and now you can't eat pork, etc., etc., etc. And now what do you do about the older brothers who want to kill the man who they think raped their sister? You need Levitical cities he can run to. So you need Levites. Where is the temple to train them? Who will you choose today. When God does it, He does it right. Which is also why He told us it's not for the whole time of earth, just for His people, and just until Messiah.
I believe we'd all be better off in a theocracy, or theonomy if you like. But I mean, our laws need to follow the teachings of Jesus, not Moses.
Maybe I'm wrong, and I'm not saying you are angry, but your posts sound really angry. Is there something special that is causing this? Personally, I'd rather have relationship with Jesus than all the theological resources there are. I'd rather have my own views than quotes from someone else.
Theonomy, as practiced by some people (I just checked) believes that countries would well be governed by OT Law, as a matter of political choice. This is identical to the desire in England, I heard about last year, that some Moslems have for making Shitte law the law of the land there, and allowing each person an option whether to follow British or Moslem Law (Does anybody from UK know how that's coming? I haven't heard anything for a year or more.) That is very different from "unless a law has been specifically annulled it remains in force". The first argument is that we could have a constitutional convention, adopt the OT as our constitution. The second is that our current laws are intrinsically unGodly because they are not the OT. The second arguments is more than struck down by the NT, in Acts, also by Paul, and also by Jesus who teaches universal forgiveness. The force of OT law simply is not a decision of God for any nation beyond Israel, and only for them until Jesus came.
As far as the first, adoption of OT Law would be fine, except we can't do it as a decision of man either. You see, the 613 commandments are a single unity. If you accept some without others, it is still a decision of man, which to accept. Suppose you stone people for adultery, fine. Now, you also need to accept arranged marriages at age 12 to control temptation. Then, you need to limit the educational requirements, so kids can marry at age 12. But, since Jesus came, the Holy Spirit being poured on the world has created new gifts that have led to massive scientific progress, requiring more education to exploit. So, if you restrict education, you lose your scientists, etc. Without scientists, no refrigeration, more disease, and now you can't eat pork, etc., etc., etc. And now what do you do about the older brothers who want to kill the man who they think raped their sister? You need Levitical cities he can run to. So you need Levites. Where is the temple to train them? Who will you choose today. When God does it, He does it right. Which is also why He told us it's not for the whole time of earth, just for His people, and just until Messiah.
I believe we'd all be better off in a theocracy, or theonomy if you like. But I mean, our laws need to follow the teachings of Jesus, not Moses.
Maybe I'm wrong, and I'm not saying you are angry, but your posts sound really angry. Is there something special that is causing this? Personally, I'd rather have relationship with Jesus than all the theological resources there are. I'd rather have my own views than quotes from someone else.