as the number of christians in this country fall into the strong delusion sent by GOD ( because they hated the truth of GODS word ) and MTV, the evil media , the luke warm 501c3 churches , the indoctrination to satanism by the public school system, have made christians seduced and deceived to spit in THE LORD JESUS CHRISTS face ( DEUT 7 verse 10 ) by claiming to be christian and support sodomite marriage , justify the 3000 women murdering their children every day , and they always hate the KJV ( a high school student here is notorious for his hatred of GODS word ) The strong delusion is here and the christians are falling away, it breaks my heart to hear so - called christians calling evil good and good evil ( ISAIIAH 5 verse 20 ) they are so deluded that they say the president is a good man ( ROM 3 verse 10 , PROV 17 verse 15 ) calling GOD a liar ( ROM 3 verse 4 ) These are the people who believe the lies of the false prophets who say GODS judgement will never come to this country, they cant see that GOD has already sent an evil leader who GOD will use to punish this whore of a nation. The BIBLE means nothing to them ( again I was attacked by a high school student here , and told that if you read the KJV you were crazy or a WBC church member.... ) they dont read their BIBLES, and are completely brainwashed by their hireling , 501c3 contract signing ( the IRS dictates what they can and cant preach about ... so they never have any watchmen ) false prophets , or even worse they want to be popular and worldly , so they never witness or call sin, sin ( like gay marriage, or child murder ) again because they were brainwashed and because they rejected GODS word ( KVJ BIBLE ) GOD gave them up to strong delusion and they will believe a lie, If your a real christian please pray that some might be woken up to realize that the day of the LORD is near. Discernment is dead indeed, please sound the alarms and blow the trumpets. Thank you to all those who prayed for my cd ministry. May the LORD JESUS CHRIST bless you and keep you ( NUMBRS 6 verse 22- 27