Elin - black
Who is the author of jimmydiggs comments that I was trying to explain?
Your explanation is in question, not Jimmy's words.
And I corrected my poor choice of words in interpreting someone else's meaning
In place of 'regenerated' in that post, you said, "do not believe in God's word regarding election". Then that would be saying I do not agree with you because I understand that Scripture says that those who are in Christ are God's elect, as oppose to the Hebrews having been God's chosen. I agree with Scripture when it says that: I will call those who were not my people, my people. We are elected as God's people because we come to Him through Christ, not because He has chosen a select few to receive salvation and a vast amount to damnation. So, yes!!! I believe God's word regarding election. What I do not accept is 'limited atonement' and how it makes God the cause of wickedness in order to have those He did not chose to be damned. Yet more, how that God said the wickedness of the wicked will be judged and how the only logical conclusion to that matter of 'limited atonement' will have God judging Himself for having people commit wickedness so that they can damned.
I believe 'whosoever shall believe' will be given everlasting life. It saddens the heart to know that faith and hope is considered vanity when all-in-all one will be damned no matter what, just because He was preordained to be such. It saddens still more to know that one who is considered destined to Heaven under 'limit atonement' can be even a Hitler and still make it to Heaven if he was preordained to be such. Where is the purpose of faith in this theology?
So why are you still harping on it?
--For the simply fact that in your explanation you said that I was un-regenerated and went as far as saying, when explaining what you were explaining, I did not believe what Scripture says based on your theology.
Okay, I'm just gonna' lay it out there. . .
sermon time:
Do I detect a polluted fountainn of self-pity from which some are drinking?
--What does one feeling sorry for themselves have to do with 'limited atonement'? Why would I feel sorry for myself?
There is way too much grudging and bitterness over long-past grievances.
--Seeking to find out why you would condemn me is considered 'grudging and bitterness'? You grieved me in saying I was un-regenerated, but yet I stand at fault for seeking why I was doomed?
I don't see the same standard being applied to the past grievances committed
by the aggrieved,
as I do to the past grievances committed
to the aggrieved.
--I have cursed you?
That kind of self-focus, self-pity, grudge and bitterness have the same root--the disobedience of unforgiveness.
--Forgiveness is given to those who ask for it. Still waiting for that request. And I assume that taking Jesus' place on His throne of judgment that He will be in a need for such a request also.
That's why Christians are commanded to forgive 70 X 7 times, to weed out the roots of ungodliness.
--Still waiting.
Sermon by Chris:
It's long past time to give us this self-focus, self-pity, grudge and bitterness over long-past grievances.
It's long past time to stop trying to guilt those of today for events of the past.
It's long past time to give up the attitude of entitlement to special status because of the past.
None of that is Christian.
It's long past time to let go of this wrong-headed cultural thinking, and come into NT thinking.
And frankly, that stuff is really gettin' old.