Dear Therapon
I have not read your book or guide. But have somewhat understood by conversations on here. It does not concern me so much different interps or understanding that we all have at times whether perfect or not, unless they get just to far out there. For we all have an incomplete understanding ,for we ,at best, know in part. The old story of the three men looking through a knot hole in a wooden fence of an elephant going by.... one sees the trunk another a giant leg and the other a spindly tail. then proceed to argue vehemently how the others are wrong in what was seen. And of course in our immaturity and lack of knowledge sometimes share with less humility than might be expected by Gods children. But God will reveal even these things to us if we are his children. so no sweat. Severe heresy is of more concern. But the thing that concerns me most is this.By your own confession you admit that God has given you special insight or revelation. The fact that you would take something freely given you by God ( which I sincearly doubt to some degree).(This is my interp slightly altered ,but sill in the spirit of the text)....Acts 8:20 But Peter said unto him,thy money perish with thee,for though hast thought that the gift and revelation of God, freely given you for the body, may be sold for money. Thou hast neither part or lot in this matter: for thy heart is not right in the sight of God, Repent therefore of this thy wickedness, and pray God, if perhaps the thought of thy heart may be forgiven thee. For I perceive though art in the gall of bitterness, and in the bond of iniquity. If God gave me a revelation of who the anti-Christ was,I probably would not say anything unless really told to by God. But if I tried to sell it ,I think I would drop dead before I could pick up the first check!!! If you do have a revelation it is for Gods people. It should be freely given. How dare you try and sell it. For the lord of such a servant shall come in a day when he looketh not for him, and in an hour that he is not aware of. And shall cut him asunder,and appoint his portion with the hypocrites: and there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth. It would be well advised to consider thine own self. For what shall a man profit if he gain the world but loose his own soul. Another thing ,I had a picture in my mind today of vermin fighting over the scrapes that fell from the lords table and thought to myself how sad, this fighting over scraps . But the real importance is that by and through the love,mercy and humility of God he has mad us to sit at the table with him as his children ,not fight over scraps. So much we are missing by our sometimes petty bickering over little, that the real purpose of the gospel and work and love of Jesus Christ is missed or takes second stage . I think we should rebuke ,reprove and exhort each other with all long suffering and patients. quick to hear and slow to speak, considering our selves first,least we fall from our own steadfastness. And that we should remind one another today,while it is called today least we let slip what we have already attained. For we all are members of one body and members of one another.