There will be a resurrection of the saints but not before the tribulation period for the Bible says that the saints will rise to meet Jesus in the air and at the battle of armageddon the Bible says that God comes back with His saints and fights the world and the people that God spared will have to go to Jerusalem to worship God.
The Bible says let no man deceive you about the saints being gathered unto Christ for it will not happen until there is a falling away of man first and the man of sin steps in to the temple of God claiming to be God,and the beast makes war against the saints and the world worships the beast who will claim t be above all their religions and God which we know never happened in the past.
The antichrist has to appear first and deceive all those who do not love God and to make them take the mark of the beast before God will take His children home,and the reason is God will not give up on the world until the world gives up on Him.As long as the world can repent of their sins God will not take His people home.When they take the mark of the beast the world does not have the chance to repent of their sins and be saved and God will take His children home.
The world will make war against the saints and the Bible says the saints are given in to hand of the antichrist ,the little horn,for three and one half years,which God is allowing him to rule for that long,and after then the saints will go home.
Then the wrath of God will pour out on the earth leading to the battle of armageddon which the saints will come back to earth with God and God fights the world(Zechariah chapter 14).