First of all, the Lord gave the holy land to the physical seed of Abraham and as Scripture states, "in Isaac shall thy seed be called," so the sons of Ishmael, the Arabs, are not included. God gave the land to the Jews in perpetuity, so no one has the right to take it away from them.
Now on to the rest of your questions: When I was a student at Columbia Bible College in the early 50s (a school with conservative Baptist theology), my central interests were Biblical archaeology and eschatology. I learned all the end-time views that were not considered heretical: Historicism, Preterism, Dispensationalism, etc., in all their various forms.
When my studies were finished, the Lord didn’t lead me directly into the ministry, but allowed me to go into the business world for 35 years, where I became just like one of the unsaved and worse, a drunken adulterer. One evening, a person came aboard my yacht, took my bottle out of my hand, threw it over the side and said, "Ellis, the Lord wants you to teach His word and you can’t teach it as a drunk."
I went down into my stateroom, got on my knees and told the Lord that I’d been trying to stop drinking for five years but I was bound by alcohol and couldn’t. However, I would obey Him if He would help me." I’d been drunk for 90 days and should’ve gone to the hospital, but the next morning I was cold sober, no DTs, no nothing and I was no longer an alcoholic.
Had a successful advertising business, but sold it and gave the rest of my life to the Lord. I started studying Scripture again and guess where the Lord put me? In my old interests of eschatology and Biblical archaeology. Then the Lord began opening His word with the day-years in both Daniel and Revelation, then the Two Witnesses, of Rev 11, then the three beasts in Revelation 13 and 17, on and on studying Scripture 6 to 12 hours a day for the next four years. Learning a new discipline was just like Scripture says, it was "line upon line, line upon line a little here a little there," until a totally new picture of God’s plan for it His creation began to appear and I’m still learning.
But spiritual growth is a gradual thing. For the first few years, I thought I was going to make millions of dollars like Hal Lindsey, Tim LaHaye, Jack Van impe and the rest of the false prophets, but the Lord reminded me that His servants don’t make merchandise of His word, so we began giving everything away and the Lord has blessed the ministry ever since. We don’t have much to speak of, live in a dumpy little two-bedroom place, but couldn’t care less. I wouldn’t trade what the Lord has put in my heart for all the gold on Earth.